Monday, April 17/17
So sometime in 2015 I posted an entry about the phenomena known as the Rule of Three.
Basically, the Rule of Three makes the hypothesis that events happen in a series of threes. Now normally the rule has been taken to mean these events are of like nature. Three deaths, three natural disasters, three accidents, and so on.
I had a series of three back in 2015 when I got the boot from one job, saw my relationship come to an end out of the blue, and in a twist on the rule, got a new job within a few weeks of the other one.
My contention was that I think the Rule of Three is real but not quite in the way we've always thought, it's real but it can be a combination of both bad and good outcomes. Now most often we do see the rule come into play with like events and/or outcomes but I tend think that is because we've been taught to expect it this way and never really thought to think outside the box when really giving it serious analysis.
Now over the past few weeks I've once again experienced the Rule of Three and in ways that both made me scratch my head wondering why and smile regardless of the reason.
Instance 1: I was watching a new show on The Discovery Channel called "Mighty Cruise Ships". It is a spin off of one of my favourite shows called "Mighty Ships". In it they go out on a cruise that is both unique and on one large cruise ship. The episode that started this off was about the maiden voyage of the Carnival Vista through the Caribbean. As I sat there watching the show it brought back some wonderful memories of my own trips down south over the years. The kicker came when the ship docked at Ocho Rios in Jamaica and the passengers debarked to spend the afternoon on excursions, one of which was a visit to Mystic Mountain for some zip lining and high speed bobsledding down the mountain. The scenes they showed could have come from my own time there with C and made me almost laugh out loud when I remembered her shouting at me to slow down when we took the bobsled down the mountain and I sort of forgot to ever apply the brakes.
Instance 2: I was doing some work on the computer and popped over to Facebook to see what was new with my circle of friends and came across one of those little posts that get created by Facebook out of your old posts in an attempt to remind you of some memory. This one was a picture of me and C in Jamaica where we're standing near a fresh water river just before heading in for a relaxing and cool dip while on a jeep tour of the island. The best parts are remembering how awesome that cold water felt on a very hot day and the smiles we shared all day long.
Now instance 3 took me a second to recognize when it happened but I think was the best of the bunch, at least in this humble writers opinion.
I was in the checkout line at Loblaws waiting my turn after grabbing a few things to make tacos for dinner with my son. There was a couple in front of me and I could tell where he worked by both his appearance and demeanor. I wasn't really paying too much attention to them until I overheard her telling him she had to go and buy a new dress for the party. Now hearing this peaked my attention as I knew just what party she was talking about as I'd had the good fortune to attend it back in 2015.
As she said that I could sense her husband sort of guffawing like it wasn't something all that critical but she soon put him in his place with a rather tart reply "Listen, this may be your party but it's mine just as much as it is yours, I'm the one home with the kids while you are out doing only God knows what, it's not just you waking up at 3am from a nightmare wondering if you are ok, this is my chance to see the others spouses dealing with all the same issues, our opportunity to forget for just a brief moment that you can be here one day and gone the next, literally and figuratively, so if I want to buy a Goddamn dress than I'm going to buy a Goddamn dress and don't want to hear a single thing from you about it, do you understand me MISTER!"
I must have laughed at the last part as both turned to look at me, him with a bit of embarrassment and her with a bit of what could only be called an impish smile.
I put my hands up and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I couldn't really help overhearing given how much emphasis your wife put into her response to you"
This made her laugh and him just shake his head as if he knew when he was beaten. I smiled and said to him that I'd been to the party she was referring to her and she was right, it was as much her celebration as yours. He looked at me as if trying to determine how I was at one since it is by strict invitation only and I don't look like I'd be the kind of person getting an invite. I smiled and said I'd been the plus one of someone back in 2015 and it had really opened my eyes to a lot of things.
His wife smiled and said "Amen" under her breath before asking me who I went with. I hesitated in my response as I still try my best to respect C's privacy and saying her name would have been breaking that vow. I said I'd been seeing someone who worked out of the primary downtown office and left it at that. His wife picked up on the past tense of my answer and just smiled at me knowing there was more to my answer than I was letting on.
As they paid for their items he turned to me and smiled, said sorry for the scowl, and wished me a good day. I smiled back and wished them a great time at the party.
I'll say was one hell of a party the year I got to go and one I'll never forget.
I'm not sure why these three things happened or what they mean to me at the moment. In the long run maybe they'll make sense to me but for now I think I'll just let them bring a smile to my face as I remember those times and what one woman was able to bring into my life when I was willing to let the walls down.
My name is Marcus and I was once loved for who I was and maybe, just maybe, one day I'll be loved that way again.
I think today's musical suggestion should be a new indie artist I've come across named Hannah Georges and her song "Walls"
as well
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