Friday, April 14/17
Wishing everyone a Good Friday!
No matter your religion or belief, I hope today finds you at peace with yourself and those around you.
The last two weeks have been so busy with 14 hour work days as we tried to cover off for the vacant accounts position while still doing my own position that it's literally been wake up, go to work, come home grab a bite to eat, see my son for a bit, go to bed, and rinse and repeat. My son has been a real source of support and letting me just focus on getting things done at work.
We managed to meet our 3rd quarter reporting requirements and now I'm going to use my four day weekend to catch up on some things at home, things like laundry, cleaning, and raking up the front and back yards. I know that sounds like just more work albeit of a different type, but those activities actually are relaxing to me.
Oh, I've also been getting email pings about local courses opening up this weekend so there is a good chance that I'll try to see if I can get my first round of the year in this weekend as well.
Yesterday my boss mentioned that Casselview out in the east end is scheduled to open and I laughed and said as much as I love golf the east end isn't where I'd be playing. The truth is that Casselview looks like a nice course and is only about 45-50 minutes from my house and yet I'd rather drive to Pembroke and play one of the three valley courses in that area even though that drive takes me over 90 minutes and involves some 2 lane highway. Guess that just confirms how west end centric I am in my life and view point :)
Anyways, I'm off to see about waking my son so he can open his birthday gifts before we head out to lunch and he starts his week with his mom. His birthday you ask? Yes, my youngest is now 18 and a man in his own right, couldn't be prouder of the man he is becoming and can't wait to watch the next eighteen years unfold for him.
Have a great day and I hope to get some more posts uploaded now that time is my friend again.
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