Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A little on my take concerning posts

Tuesday, August 22/17

In my mind the blog is a snapshot into the interactions and thoughts that I may have on a day to day basis, thus some might be very short, almost anecdotal in nature, and some might be longer as I attempt to explain something and flesh out a response, either reviewing my own or eliciting one from you the reader.

Some have been of a very personal nature and some just a causal observation that stuck with me and made me want to share it.

I don't believe I've ever just done an entry that was fluff or to get something posted, you'll never see an entry about me seeing a guy riding a unicycle and that is all I say, not anything like that, but you might see something like me observing a family out biking and noticing all the kids wearing helmets but not the parents, a perfect case of do what I say and not what I do.....a message those kids might take up years later when they become parents themselves.

Blog posts might just be entertaining and they might be me voicing my social voice over events I see happening around the world - Charlie Hebdo Massacre, Charlottesville Riots, or even my take on the new 24/7 comedy channel called the Trump Presidency.

The blog is nothing more than the ramblings of a white middle class, middle aged man as he stumbles through life watching his daughter begin to raise her own family, his son start that exciting period of life known as university, attempting to consistently hit 90 on the links, all the while searching for the one woman he thinks is imperfectly perfect for himself.

The blog won't make me any money nor will it win me any literary prizes, it probably won't help me find the one, though stranger things have happened, but than none of those were my objective when I started this little project more than 4 years ago and over 400+ entries later. No, it was more just about getting things off my chest in order to maintain a sense of inner emotional balance and hopefully helping others who might be thinking, feeling, or experiencing some of the same things, sort of my way of raising my hand to say you aren't alone in this big scary thing we call life, lets get through it together the best we can and hopefully along the way share a laugh, maybe a tear, and always a smile at the end of the day.

So with that said let me remind you that life is not something to record from the sidelines but rather to be experienced first hand, with all it's twists, ups and downs, to be embraced as much as possible, but to never let just one experience or day define who we are, we are so much more and should never forget that.

My name is Marcus and this is my story for better or worse as told through this blog.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

A slap to the face that was more than needed

Sunday, August 20/17

So I was chatting with someone towards the tail end of the week who follows the blog and is also on the same dating I'm on and she was asking me why men are so difficult to understand, they act like pigs and then wonder why they can't get any face to face time. I sort of laughed and asked what made her think I had the answer to that question and she replied that I seem like a nice guy who is open in his approach to things and not a pig just looking for another notch on his bed post.

That one was easy as my bed doesn't have any bedposts lol

I told her that if I knew the answer to that question didn't she think I'd have been on TV spreading the knowledge and banking some serious coin. I think both sexes are pretty damn confusing most of the time and think that is what makes dating so hard in this day and age.

I told her I hoped I wasn't like most guys and that it came across that way as well in the blog.

Her next response sort of shook me a bit.

"I haven't read the blog in quite some time, it was full of far too many entries revolving around C and the lost opportunity. You need to put that one to rest, free your mind of that woman, and get yourself back out there searching for the one"

I went back yesterday and read some of the entries and she was right. I've been wallowing in some serious self pity and hadn't even been aware of it.

The funny thing is that I really am over that period of my life and though I hate this saying it really does highlight where I am at right now.........single and ready to mingle

But mingle with one woman at a time as I'm far too old to be playing games with multiple partners, I deserve more and so does she, I wasn't even a player when I was younger and full of mental energy lol

So while that slap to the face sort of hurt it also made me realize that I've strayed from my intended path with the blog lately and need to get it back on course.

Oddly enough, someone on a site asked me about the blog as we were chatting as there is a blurb about once having a blog and needing to get back to it, so I gave her the link and haven't heard a peep out of her since. Scared her off maybe, but as Mae West once said "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best"

I'm no Mae West, I still bat for the visiting team, but that is a damn good saying to live by.

I'd say I'm back but I never really left, might have taken a short hiatus there but still running this money losing operation with no intent on shutting her down.

My name is Marcus and I'm searching for love, hopefully in all the right places, and maybe meeting my one, not my perfect one but rather the one who is really imperfectly perfect for me.

Today's musical suggestion is by The Pursuit of Happiness and "I'm An Adult Now". Heard this on Live 88.5 while driving to play my last round of the weekend this afternoon.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

I'm so disheartened with the turmoil in Virginia

Thursday, August 17/17

The recent riots down in Virginia have left me with a very sour taste in my mouth as I can't understand hatred spewing back and forth between the two sides in this day and age.

Did I miss the memo saying we were going through a rift in time back to the 60's??

I can honestly say I'm so happy that I moved to Canada and have been able to avoid having either of my kids exposed to that vile environment.

I came across this saying this week and would love to correctly quote the author but can't remember the source but here goes anyways as it's pretty damn dead on and something I wish people would consider..........

"Nobody is born hating another person due to colour, race, religion, or orientation" Sadly, these are learned behaviours that are not easily overcome in this day and age.

Adding fuel to the fire is that megalomaniac in the White House saying both sides have used force on the other.....true but one did not use vehicles to run over the other and at no point has the pointy headed mouth piece elected to the highest office in one of the hugest electoral mistakes come out to condemn the white supremacist's, guess that is because they represent the uneducated masses he so loudly proclaimed to love during one of his campaign stops.

I'm not saying the Cold Fish known as Hilary Clinton would have been any better in office but I'm more than a little confident she wouldn't have been so fucking ignorant as to pour napalm on an existing fire like the moron seems to love doing.

Just my take on things from the great white north.


Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Blog has not been Abandoned or Forgotten

Saturday, Aug 12/17

Contrary to messages I've received asking why I stopped the blog, I haven't actually done so but just haven't been posting to it as I work through some things.

Nothing major but enough that my free time isn't really mine at the moment when I get home from work, finding myself pretty mentally tired and the last thing I've wanted to do is login to my home system and write when that is pretty much what I've been doing all day at work.

Not to say that there aren't a couple of blog posts pending.......here are a couple of teasers to keep you interested........

The question over drinks that has me posing a question

What are the odds of two chance encounters in the same day

Verbally abused for my driving

My grandson makes me smile and cry at the same time

The insanity of dating profiles

The future son-in-laws question and the sharp kick to the shins he received from my daughter

Ponder these and if the planets align in just the right pattern there might be a new posting by end of day Sunday :-)
