Thursday, August 17/17
The recent riots down in Virginia have left me with a very sour taste in my mouth as I can't understand hatred spewing back and forth between the two sides in this day and age.
Did I miss the memo saying we were going through a rift in time back to the 60's??
I can honestly say I'm so happy that I moved to Canada and have been able to avoid having either of my kids exposed to that vile environment.
I came across this saying this week and would love to correctly quote the author but can't remember the source but here goes anyways as it's pretty damn dead on and something I wish people would consider..........
"Nobody is born hating another person due to colour, race, religion, or orientation" Sadly, these are learned behaviours that are not easily overcome in this day and age.
Adding fuel to the fire is that megalomaniac in the White House saying both sides have used force on the other.....true but one did not use vehicles to run over the other and at no point has the pointy headed mouth piece elected to the highest office in one of the hugest electoral mistakes come out to condemn the white supremacist's, guess that is because they represent the uneducated masses he so loudly proclaimed to love during one of his campaign stops.
I'm not saying the Cold Fish known as Hilary Clinton would have been any better in office but I'm more than a little confident she wouldn't have been so fucking ignorant as to pour napalm on an existing fire like the moron seems to love doing.
Just my take on things from the great white north.
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