Saturday, Aug 12/17
Contrary to messages I've received asking why I stopped the blog, I haven't actually done so but just haven't been posting to it as I work through some things.
Nothing major but enough that my free time isn't really mine at the moment when I get home from work, finding myself pretty mentally tired and the last thing I've wanted to do is login to my home system and write when that is pretty much what I've been doing all day at work.
Not to say that there aren't a couple of blog posts are a couple of teasers to keep you interested........
The question over drinks that has me posing a question
What are the odds of two chance encounters in the same day
Verbally abused for my driving
My grandson makes me smile and cry at the same time
The insanity of dating profiles
The future son-in-laws question and the sharp kick to the shins he received from my daughter
Ponder these and if the planets align in just the right pattern there might be a new posting by end of day Sunday :-)
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