Tuesday, May 01/18
So I've been thinking, not always a good thing, about some comments I've received lately about the blog and how I post things, well really how much I disclose or fail to disclose, as the case may be.
I follow a simple rule, simple for me kids so pay close attention, on how much I will share with my readers.
Here it is broken down into it's simplest form: I'm fair game to a certain extent and those in my life aren't.
Just what the hell does that mean?
I'll be upfront and honest about myself, well as upfront and honest as I can be without revealing my actual identity or image as we all like our privacy. I'll share my feelings, my highs, my lows, and my hopes.
I'll share how my kids make me feel, how we interact with one another, the things they do that make me proud, but I'll never share their names. They deserve to live life without any judgment being passed onto them because of something dear old dad has said or done.
I'll share the highlights and more often than not the low-lights of my attempts to date and find my one.
They say dating is a numbers game and that in the end we all find what we are looking for if we just go through the process. Maybe that's true but even though I work with numbers I've never been a big fan of basing my life on the law of averages, just seems like a recipe for disaster to me.
So I'll share stuff with you like my current medical issues, the feelings I have inside me about my line of work and how I'm giving serious thought to changing things up, what makes me smile when I think of dating, what makes me cringe when I think of dating, and basically what makes me uniquely me.
I'm willing to share what I think my strengths are as a man and I'll do my best to share what I perceive to be my weaknesses, we all have strengths and weaknesses, but being able to express them is what sets us apart.
I'll even share my search for the one, well at least my one, the one I like to say is imperfectly perfect for me. I had her once and if the Gods look down upon me favourably one more time maybe I'll have her again.
I'll share my hopes and my fears. I'll share that which makes me me, and in return all I ask is that you hold of judgment till you've had a chance to read the history of the blogs and maybe continue with those still to come.
My name is Marcus and this is my blog, come in, sit down, and enjoy the ride.
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