Tuesday, May 01/18
So my appointment yesterday was both enlightening and disappointing at the same time.
The enlightenment comes from being told I'm one of the small percentage of the population who has a delayed reaction to Mitomycin B. How small? well my doctor tells me less than 2% so lucky me.
This delayed reaction has seen the incision site in my bladder from which the tumor was removed not being able to fully heal, thus continually causing clots and bleeding to occur. The added bonus is that it has also irritated my kidneys to such an extent as to make passing urine feel like someone is standing behind me and slowly inserting a red hot knife into my back. When it hit the first time on Saturday it literally almost drove me to my knees and had me hoping I'd just pass out. Since that initial introduction the pain seems to vary and I find that the more I try and pass urine the less it hurts, of course I'm still experiencing the clots and blood in my urine which has done wonders for the head of my penis. Too graphic? Nobody told you that you had to read the blog lol
The disappointment comes from now being placed on a 2 week medical leave as the constant need to use the restroom coupled with the pain makes it almost impossible to focus on my work without adding in the need to move around or lay down to relieve some of the pressure I feel inside. As much as my work tries to be new age, even they draw the line at installing cots in our workstations.
So now I've got two weeks to kill and I'm already going stir crazy after one freaking day.
I can't even golf as I never know when the pain will hit and don't dare get too far out from the clubhouse in case I need to use a restroom lol
I'm also on two new medications, well one new and one renewal of one I was prescribed post surgery. The funny thing is the new one states it can cause constipation as well as diarrhea, kind of covering both bases at once wouldn't you say.
I'm actually back to taking in liquids as I've also got a nice pain killer to help combat things. I'd actually cut back on liquids Sunday as the pain was so intense but that is kind of short sighed given the lack of fluids is actually bad for your kidneys.
So I'm trying to put together a to-do list of things I can accomplish over the next two weeks that will at least allow me to feel like I've done something positive with this unexpected gift. On the list is a good spring cleaning one room per day, go through the stuff in the basement and purge those items I don't need, rearrange my bedroom set just to mix things up, go through my clothes and put together things I won't wear or don't fit into and donate to a charity, take some online courses for Office 2016, and catch up on some reading.
My name is Marcus and when life hands me lemons I usually try and trade them in for some plums.
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