Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Happy May Day

Tuesday, May 01/18

First off, Happy May Day to all the socialists and communists following the blog, pretty sure I read somewhere at some point in time that this is the day to celebrate the proletariat uprising to overthrow the established democratic capitalistic nations of the world.

Just need to ask one thing - how is that going for you these days?

Now I am saying and asking sort of tongue in cheek as I am one of those who believe in a free market economy, but one with some serious checks and balances so that pure greed isn't allowed to run roughshod over people.

I admire the likes of Henry Ford who was able to revolutionize manufacturing methods to such an extent so as to offer middle class families the opportunity to own a vehicle, no comment on whether they truly needed one or the benefits it brought the world, as well those individuals who saw a need for some form of union to protect workers and ensure they weren't treated like nothing more than a commodity to be used and tossed aside.

So as we see celebrations around the world today marking the date let's take a moment and reflect that as much as we share in common that there are still huge differences in ideology that see us confronting one another from across battle lines, whether these lines are physical, political, or emotional.

My name is Marcus and tho I may not always be as tolerate as I'd like, I do try my best to see things from the other viewpoint so as to try and understand where the person is coming from, doesn't mean I agree with them but the basis of a good debate comes in trying to understand both sides of the argument so as to put forth cognizant questions.

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