Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sometimes things aren't what they seem

Sunday, April 29/18

So here I was thinking life was all strawberries and cream with the outcome of my biopsy and along comes Karma to bitch slap me back to reality.

No, biopsy is still negative so that is a good thing. The problem has been the extreme bleeding and clotting I suddenly started to experience about 10 days ago. Things got so bad I ended up in the emergency at QCH last Wednesday but since it was ruled that my bladder wasn't distended I was sent home and referred back to my surgeon to deal with things.

I've got an 11:30 appointment with him on Monday but since that time the bleeding has stopped as has the clotting.

So than what makes me say Karma has bitch slapped me?

The bleeding came back yesterday afternoon minus the clotting. That isn't all bad in and off itself.

No, the bitch slap comes from I'm now experiencing extreme pain in my kidneys whenever I have to void my bladder, so fucking bad that I'm actually dreading going to urinate now.

So now I'm back to wondering just who the hell I've pissed off, no pun intended, so that I go from one issue to another.

The big reminder I got from my son when he was around and noticed my discomfort was "At least it's not cancer pops".........

And he's right, it isn't and I'm going to deal with this as I've dealt with all the rest. One foot forward day by day.

On a more positive note I've been asked out for drinks so I have that going for me now don't I?

My name is Marcus and life is nothing more than a series of adventures you can either cower away from or take on head first. Guess which strategy I'm choosing to follow..........

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