Saturday, April 14, 2018

My Other Family

Saturday, April 14/18

Yesterday at work we had our Q1 review meeting where we went over the tasks and projects we completed for the first three months of the new year, outlined some new objectives, and looked at some of the obstacles that might cause us difficulties and to possibly miss some deadlines.

Our finance team consists of our CFO, Controller, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and yours truly. Normally we'd all be involved in the review but we have a board meeting Monday so the CFO was working from home during the morning and scheduled to come in to join us for lunch later in the morning.

Usually these meetings are pretty informal with a lot of open discussions around the group and yesterday was really no different.

I got to the meeting room last as I had to do my usual bathroom run due to those damn complications lol

When I got to to room there were some small blank pieces of paper laying face down where I was going to put my laptop so I started to push them away, thinking it was part of a team exercise the controller was going to have us do at some point, and was told to stop pushing them away by the Accounts Payable. I looked up at her and noticed everyone was smiling at me and then she told me to turn them over and read what they said. I said I thought they were there for the group and she laughed and said they were from the group now get reading.

I sat down and read each of them one by one and as I did so I started to smile, then laugh, and than cry.......once I had read those in front of me she handed me one final piece to's the last one on the display below

My kids, son-in-law, grandson, and the mother of my children were all a wonderful source of support while dealing with things but I'd be a really horrible person if I didn't mention the support my work family gave me as well, from the green tea they bought and made me drink every single morning to the words of encouragement to the simple hugs I got the day before my surgery.

I never really knew how I fit into the whole group dynamic given how much of an introvert I've always viewed myself as being but sometimes something dark can actually bring some light to the world around you, even leaving you feeling like you aren't really as alone as you might think.

My name is Marcus and I've been embracing my second chance with a gusto!!

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