Sunday, April 8, 2018

Sunday Brunch and a Little Disclosure

Sunday, April 08/18

So today was an interesting day if I say so myself lol

My son and I met up with my daughter, son-in-law and Baby Jack for brunch this morning at Milestones as it is sort of our go to place, well that and Gabriel's in Bridlewood :-)

I guess going to Milestones at the Centrum was poetic justice given that was where Corinne and I used to go, well that and Zak's Diner :-)  (notice a trend here, always two options when it comes to brunch with me).

So after we placed our orders we began to catch up on the things going on in each of our lives and sharing some smiles and laughs as Baby Jack was trying his best to get into the conversation with his new founds words......moo, mama, and baa baa............

I was sitting next to my son with my daughter across from me and Baby Jack between her and my son-in-law when my son-in-law looked at me and asked "Can I ask you a question?"

I looked up and started to reply "Yes, you can but......"

When I was interrupted by both my kids saying "be careful what you ask as I'll answer honestly and you might not like the answer"........and then both of them burst out laughing and high fiving each other across the table.

My son-in-law looked a little confused so my son took pity on him and said that since both his sister and him were little I'd had a policy where they could ask me anything they wanted and I would answer the question with complete honesty but  I always added the caveat that they should be careful as the answer might not be what they expected it would be and/or be embarrassing"

"Embarrassing?" was his next comment as he looked between his wife and my son.

"Hell Yes!" was my daughters reply with a laugh as she proceeded to tell him how I responded to her question about oral sex when she thought she had the perfect question to make me go back on my policy of answering anything they asked me.

He looked at me with what I think was some new respect as he pondered whether he wanted to continue and ask me his question.

After a moment or so he looked at my daughter and my son before turning to me and asking me "Have you ever thought about getting married again?" and proceeded to get smacked in the back of the head by my daughter reaching around behind my grandson so he wouldn't see.

"Are you stupid? why the hell would you ask my dad that question" was her comment to him said in such a voice that I knew he was sleeping in the guest room tonight.

I smiled and took a drink of my iced tea and simply replied "Yes, I was thinking about it a little while ago"

Now I wasn't expecting the response I got but guess I shouldn't have been too surprised by it.

Both of my kids went deathly silent and turned to look at me as if I'd grown horns on my head and started speaking in Latin. It was almost comical and all I could do from bursting out laughing.

"Dad, who, when, and why didn't I know" was my daughters initial attempt at words

"So that was why you mentioned possibly selling the house a few years ago" was my son's comment.

"What? dad talked to you about selling his house" was her next comment and directed to my son.

"Yeah, he mentioned there was a chance he'd be selling it and didn't want me to be blindsided by it"

Turning to look at me she said "You mean like I am right now learning not only was dad thinking about selling his house but he wanted to get married again"

My son-in-law looked at me and said almost in a whisper "They know your sitting here in front of them right?"

I took a bite of my eggs and looked over at him and replied nodding in the affirmative "Wait for it" and smiled as I sensed things were going to get interesting very fast.

My daughter and son were staring at me and suddenly my daughter almost jumped up and shouted at me "That's why you asked mom if you two could finalize the divorce back in 2015 right?"

"And now we are starting to see the light" and took another bite of my eggs

Now my daughter has never been known for her patience or discretion and I was kind of impressed she hadn't lost her mind yet but that was soon to change.

"Why did you ask mom to finalize the divorce dad? I mean you guys both didn't seem to be in any rush for years and then suddenly out of the blue mom had papers on the desk at home"

"Hun, one thing I've learned over the years was that women are very hesitant to date a man who is only separated as the thinking is he must still have feelings for his wife but neither your mother or I knew that was ever going to happen but I never pushed to finalize things as it helped your mom when she was dating as it let her off the hook if things got too serious"

"So what changed to make you want the divorce"

Just as I started to respond my son blurted out "Corrine" and smiled at me as if he'd just solved a Rubik's cube in record time.

I simply nodded my head and smiled as I said I needed the divorce so I could ask her to marry me and that was why I had it finalized in September 2015 as it was my intent to ask her while having dinner at the Blue Cactus.

My daughter doesn't shed tears all that easy but she looked at me and her eyes were wet as she reached over to hold my hand and softly said "Oh Dad, I'm so sorry"

I smiled and said I guess it just wasn't my time yet.

My son asked me if I had talked to anyone about it and I said I had been planning on seeing her sons when they were at their dads place to ask if they were ok with it but things sort of fell apart when I got my nose out of place and she broke up with me before I talked to them.

My son-in-law looked at me and asked me "Whenever I saw you sitting by the pool in Mexico it looked like you were kind of sad but you usually did a good job hiding your feelings, were you thinking about her at those moments?"

I smiled and said yes, she had crossed my mind more than once while in Mexico.

The waitress came over and asked if we needed anything and my son jokingly said "a do over for my dad would be great" and that seemed to confuse her so I said just the bill please.

I settled things up and carried Baby Jack out to his parents car and reminded him he was my favourite grandchild and would always be my first.

On the drive home my son asked me if I was ok and I smiled and said I was fine, that it just wasn't my time and it taught me a lot about myself and relationships. 

As we walked into the house he reminded me that I'd recently been given a second chance and not to waste it.  Smart kid I have there :)

My daughter sent me a text a little while later asking if I'd given any thought to trying to talk to Corrine and I said no, that ship has sailed and she's doing just fine in her new position.

Truth is I briefly did think about reaching out to her back in December but common sense took over and I've gotten rid of all the contact information I had for her just to be safe.

My name is Marcus and I never thought I'd consider getting married again but I think for the one I'd walk down that path once again if it was something she wanted........

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