Tuesday, April 10/18
So I had a message last night asking if I was passive-aggressive in my use of the blog and trying to get some attention from a certain lady with regards to my Sunday posting.
Let me be perfectly clear here....I'm a grown ass 55 year old man who doesn't need to play high school games to let a woman know how I feel.
Every single morning I drag my ass out of bed and put on my big boy boxer briefs, big boy pants or golf shorts depending on the day/season, and a big boy shirt. I go out and face the day head on and when something needs to be said I use my outside voice to express my feelings. I don't need to use the blog to let a woman know I might be interested in her nor would I insult her, you, or myself to using this forum to express my message.
I really am more than capable of telling her how I might feel about her and think I've done a pretty good job of it in the past when the moment called for it, either in person, on the phone, with a sweet text, or email that she could read first thing in the morning upon arrival at the office.
The recent postings have been in no way meant to send anyone a message. They have been my attempts to continue dealing with the turn my life almost took and the new fresh perspective on things that has been granted to this man.
Does the lady in particular read the blog? She did at one point as I shared it with her as it is part of who I am and I thought it important for her to understand that about the man she was seeing. But I have no clue if she has read it lately and won't venture a guess as to what she might think or feel about any of the entries posted since October 2015.
There is a saying that I hear more often than I'd like to admit, one that really just annoys the hell out of me for some reason, but one that sort of says it all when spoken out loud.....it is what it is
So in the future when reading the blog please don't try and read more into an entry that is there, trust me when I say that if I was trying to reach out to someone I have the contacts to get the job done in a lot less public manner.
My name is Marcus and I'm still searching for the one who is imperfectly perfect for me, and while I wait to bump shopping carts at Loblaw's I think it's time I get over to Keven Haime's and start preparing for the first wave of course openings near me :)
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