Tuesday, April 03/18
So over the weekend I started to experience some difficulties from the surgery but really didn't give them much thought as I figured it was just my mind playing tricks as the stress about Thursday's appointment has been building but turns out sometimes it's not your mind sending a message but actually your body saying something is up and pay attention buddy......
Saturday I had a slight pinkish hue to my urine but it only happened the once so I didn't pay it any mind. Sunday and Monday everything was normal but I started to develop some pressure and it felt like I had a full bladder all the time, even after voiding my bladder it felt like I could use the restroom right away, but I really thought it was my mind playing tricks on me so no action on my part.
This morning started off similar with the pressure but everything else was normal. Just before heading out the door I voided as traffic can make my drive in to the office take between 45-55 minutes and sure enough I had a pink hue once again. Now this made me pause and I waited a bit as I knew I was going to need to relief myself again and sure enough not 15 minutes later I had to go once again......except now the pink hue was dark red and I knew I had a problem.............
I wasn't able to get a hold of the specialist so called my family doctor and they booked me in for an early morning appointment to see what was going on.......as I was leaving for that appointment I tried the surgeons office one last time and finally got through but he was in surgery all day so his assistant took down the details and sent him text while telling me to go ahead and see my family doctor in the meantime.
My doctor ordered up blood and urine workup and thinks what has happened is that I have developed a post surgical infection along with the scar from the surgery breaking off inside my bladder and this has caused the bleeding, something my surgeon also texted back to his office to pass along to me too.
So now I'm on new antibiotics, hopefully they won't upset my stomach like the last ones did and my Thursday appointment has now been moved to tomorrow. My family doctor didn't have the biopsy results so no news there yet, that comes tomorrow right after lunch.
Now I've sort of accepted that I'm likely to be told some bad news tomorrow but I'm doing fine as I know this form of cancer is treatable and I've got some good medical people on my side but it's the chemo I'm really dreading and that was what had me freaking out this morning more than anything else......I can deal with the disease but not so much the treatment.......kind of weird eh?
Think next time my body sends me a message I might not be so quick to write it off to an over active imagination and take it face value that just maybe there might actually be a problem.
My name is Marcus and I've got to do a better job of fluffing things off or it might come back to bite me in the ass!!!
I didn't forget.......FUCK CANCER!!
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