Wednesday, April 04/18
I think the title of the post pretty much says it all ;-)
I went into today's appointment with a lot of worry and dread but one look at my surgeons smiling face and I knew the results before he even said a word!
I'm still having some post surgical issues and am now on a new antibiotic to combat an infection and another medicine to deal with the pressure and discomfort I'm experiencing but in the grand scheme of things those are pretty minor issues to me right now.
Not going to write much more than this tonight as I'm heading out to have a celebratory drink with my kids but I do want to thank everyone who wrote me and said a prayer on my behalf, really means the world to me.
Family & Faith were and continue to be the rocks upon which I anchor my life.
Today is Day One of my new life and I don't plan on wasting one moment of the precious gift I've been given.
Baby Jack, grandpa is going to be around for many years and get to see you start school and play hockey!!!
My name is Marcus and I can't begin to explain how excited I am right this moment. Hey, the One, I'm coming for you so get ready babe :-)
Fuck Cancer in all shapes and forms!!!!
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