Sunday, April 01/18
Well Happy Easter to one and all (again)!!!
I was asked what my long weekends consist of when I'm alone, meaning my son is at his moms for her week, and it sort of depends on the weather I'd say.
If it was warmer weather I'd be on a golf course as much as possible but over the winter months and early spring before courses open I spend a lot of time watching movies, fiddling around on my computer increasing my excel skill set, and doing some reading.
As I thought about that a bit more I came to realize my whole routine has changed a bit over the last few months. Now I seem to read almost every single night regardless of anything else going on around me and have taken to watching a lot of YouTube music videos from a lot of different genre's. TV has completely fallen by the wayside and when I do turn it on, it's usually to watch something on HGTV or maybe some golf, just to check things out and not hours spend watching any of the early season tournaments. I really hadn't realized how much I've been reading until my son mentioned it last week and asked just how many books I've read in the last few weeks. I laughed and said not that many but he said there were at least 4 on my night stand with bookmarks and he took my iPad and counted over 45 books in my iBooks there were new from after the first of the year, so I guess I'm reading a lot, way more than I thought lol
This weekend has marked the return of weather decent enough to almost clear all the snow away and lure Moki outside for a walk in the park again. I'll just say this......the little diva has her prance back in full effect when we walk down the street to the park and again when we walk home, knowing some of the neighbours are going to see her lol
Today I'll be going over to my daughters to see the family and give them Easter cards and chocolates, plus the most adorable stuffed bunny for Jack :)
Might go see a movie tomorrow - my son saw "Game Night" recently and said it was surprisingly good so it has that going for it, as well as Rachel McAdams, who is totally on my list!!!
Nothing special really other then some quiet time at home with a book, some wine, and a nice plate of cheddar and a baguette to snack on.
How has your weekend been? Any exciting activities done so far or on the agenda?
My name is Marcus and it is weekends like these that make me appreciate my life and all the people in it.
P.S. Cancer take a hike! (Don't think it's appropriate to use my normal tag line today)
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