Sunday, January 27, 2019

It's a lazy Sunday so a little of this and a little of that

Sunday, January 27/19

So it's just a lazy Sunday at my place as the son has to work today, one of his last shifts for the job, and I'm just back from getting a few things at the grocery store. Kanata Centrum Loblaw's to be exact and I still haven't managed to bump shopping carts in the produce section with any interesting females lol

I have a blog entry all written, edited, and ready to post but have to keep it on hold for the next little while as there are somethings going on in my life that could be impacted by it that I'd rather see come to fruition before addressing them on here so please be patient.  I know that is kind of silly to ask since you've have never known about this blog entry if I hadn't just mentioned it right? Silly rabbit!

So here are some random thoughts and/or observations that I've had over the past week or so, in no particular order............

After having dealt with some real interesting characters lately in my life I can completely understand why Noah only took paired animals on the ark.....

Why do people think it okay to walk behind a car that is backing up out of a parking spot? I mean I've had people walk right behind me as I've been backing to the extent that that literally took extra steps to walk behind my car after being 2 or more car lengths away.........

If an ice tray pops in the freezer but nobody is in the house, does it make a sound?

Not all things old are good and not all things new are bad, I'm just putting that one out there for thought

When did being vegan give anyone the right to belittle another person?

Neither the Liberals or Conservatives can brag as one has Justin Trudeau making Canada a laughing stock around the world and the other has Doug Ford trashing Ontario and dragging the provincial education system back into the 80's

Someone once commented that maybe my golfing so much was the reason I was single and unable to attract the attention of a female. I counter that I only golf that much because I'm single and need something to fill all my free time

Kissing is the best form of foreplay and should be practiced as often as possible

There are approximately four people who read this blog who know what I look like and only one has pictures of me but hopefully won't ever post any of them, I do my best to stay on her good side :-)

I'm a righty that thinks more like a lefty

I'll take Rom-Com for $800 Alex

Currently my favorite beer is "Big Wave" by the Kona Brewery in Hawaii. Yes, I've moved on from the ciders to real beer these days, aren't you all proud of me for growing up?

I've never faked an orgasm.

I'm researching making a trip to England this year. Yes, it will include a visit to Manchester to see Old Trafford and hopefully a ManU game. Additionally, I want to take the train down to London and see some sights. It's about time I visit that side of my heritage. Any suggestions on places to see?

If you could invite one person from history to share a meal with who would you choose and why? I lean towards Napoleon at this moment as I'd love to understand his vision for Europe.

My daughter was shocked to hear I've dated outside my race and that made me laugh. I had to endure a game of 20 questions about my dating history over dinner on Friday.

Special thanks to Leela and Wanda for the really kind emails about Moki.  She is doing super good and we are enjoying as much time with her as we are being granted.

I still believe it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

Sometimes providing a shoulder to lean on is all you need to do to help someone, we don't always have to solve the problem, but being there to listen to them is just as important.

Words and actions can be forgiven but they are rarely forgotten.

My name is Marcus and most days I have my shit together than some days I just fake my way through it.

Today's musical suggestion is a little bit country - "Girl" by Maren Morris

YouTube video can be found here:

As always, comments and questions are more than welcome:

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