Sunday, March 31/19
I think today is the first day in almost two weeks that I feel somewhat like myself and think the cold or flu is finally in the rear view mirror, which means it's time to start posting some entries to this little thing I call a blog.
I'll say this....I love the benefits of modern pharmacology - 5 days of antibiotics and life was looking livable once more :)
So while I was stuck at home resting and loading up on liquids I had a chance to go over my Facebook and read some of the sites I follow that posted to my profile.
One such feed from "Texts From Last Night" caught my eye and not for the usual funny entry.
No, this one caught my eye for a whole different reason and really pissed me off to no end.
Seems there was a family doing a campus visit to the University of Notre Dame for their sons and mom wasn't too happy with some of the sights she saw and decided to submit an open ed piece addressed to all of the women on campus.
What made her so upset that she wrote the open ed?
Yoga pants!!!!!
Yes, you read that correctly. She was upset that university aged women were wearing yoga pants outside of the yoga studio, almost as if they were treating them like every day articles of clothing.
I mean how dare these women do that, the shame, evict them from the campus, and burn them all at the stake for being so bold as to wear something they found comfortable and stylish, something that lets them match almost anything with and be able to head out from the dorm or residence in a matter of a few minutes.
Oh, and her issue?? She feels this type of attire is far too tempting for the men on campus, especially her own sons, so women need to adjust how they dress to accommodate men.
I'm sorry, did we suddenly experience a shift in the temporal vortex that vaulted us back to the 1950's?
Maybe she thinks women should also give up the vote, I mean how can they even comprehend the issues of today with such under developed brains, best to leave the those things to men.
What gives her the right to tell another person that she can't wear yoga pants because she failed to raise her own sons to know that how a woman dresses does not define her as a person.
I'm a father of both a male and female and know that my own children know well enough that how one dresses does not provide any excuse for the other to act like a complete idiot.
Can a nice pair of yoga pants cause some distraction? As a man I can absolutely attest to that.
Do I think I'm not in enough control of myself that I can't function if an attractive women passes me in said yoga pants? Nope, I'm more than capable of appreciating the beauty without demeaning the woman or thinking how she dresses is a message that I can act like a cave man.
I'm also smart enough to know that what a woman drinks isn't some kind of code to act aggressive with her at any time.
Kind of sad that what a woman may choose to drink may be used to blame her for what may happen and what a guy drinks might be used as his excuse for acting like an asshole.
I wonder if this woman wrote the human resources department where her husband works telling them they need to create a dress code at work for the females so as to not distract her husband while he is around them.
Funny how the men in her life aren't held to a higher standard and the burden for controlling how they might act falls upon the women around them........funny but not really funny at all, actually it says more about her than the men in her life, least there is hope for them once they are out from under her control, but she is stuck being a complete moron for the rest of her life.
So wear yoga pants, have a drink, laugh out loud, smile to your hearts content, hell even wink now and again.........and don't worry about any of those as I'll never think they give me permission to treat you like anything other then the wonderful, mysterious, beautiful creatures that all of you are..........
My name is Marcus and I know what you wear doesn't reflect anything about you nor will any male around me that I've had any influence over think that way either.
Today's musical suggestion is "I Got You" by the Split Enz. Nothing wrong with going old school folks :)
As always, questions and comments are welcome:
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