Friday, March 13, 2020

Covid-19 Stay Safe Everyone!!

Friday, March 13/20

So with the sudden explosion of Covid-19 cases in North America, there has been a lot of news around new work rules, schools closing for the next few weeks, and sports leagues suspending operations.

My own work has made the decision to have all office staff work from home over the next 2 weeks as we wait to see how things are going to develop.

Unfortunately, this decision came a little too late for yours truly as I started to develop symptoms on Wednesday and have been on self-quarantine every since.

I'm not currently showing the full range of symptoms so the hope is that I might have a severe case of Influenza-A and not full-blown Covid-19.

I think currently is the keyword there as while I wasn't experiencing a cough or fever to start, I've now seen the arrival of the cough and have been tasked with taking my temperature every hour or so, my daughter has been facing timing me and making me show her the thermometer so she can feel better about my health.

I haven't travelled at all so if I do develop it, it'll be from contact with someone who has, or even likely I crossed paths with the first known case in Ottawa as he works about a block and a half from my own office, making it easy for us to have walked right past one another.

I'm not overly worried as I'm in good health, getting lots of rest, eating well, and staying hydrated. I've been taking over the counter cold and flu medications to help battle whatever it is that is making me feel ill.

I've got a tonne of work to get done as well as lots of eBooks and moves qued up on Netflix and Amazon Prime so boredom isn't likely to be an issue.

Depending on my energy I might even toss in a few blog entries :-)

The one thing that has me annoyed is that I can't see my kids or grandkids for the next 14 days. Yes, I can Facetime but it's not the same as getting a hug from my son or grandson, holding my sweet little granddaughter in my arms, or just sharing some laughs face to face with family.

My name is Marcus and these are very interesting times we are living in, let's do our best to help one another, and show our children what it means to be strong in the face of adversity.

Want to chat one on one? sned me an email at

I'm thinking something lite for today's musical suggestion......The Hooters "And We Danced"

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