Sunday, March 29, 2020

Some Q&A For A Lazy Sunday

Sunday, March 29/20

So I referred to it as a lazy Sunday but the truth is that it's the first of many given all that is going on around the world.

I've received a lot of messages from people all over the world and thought I'd use them to create a general question and answer posting, something I've done before but thought it's time again in order to maybe shed some light on things.

So without further ado here we go in no particular order.

Question from Sal in Memphis: How are you spending your days during self-isolation?
Answer: Probably the same as a lot of you are doing yourselves. My work was pretty proactive and when they first heard there might be instructions for people to stay home mobilized and told everyone to grab the monitors and laptops and set up shop from home, working around childcare requirements as needed.

The hardest part about working from home is setting strict hours and sticking to them. Week one was good but I found last week was fucking brutal as it seemed like every single day was booked with meetings from 8 am to 6 pm, leaving little to no time to actually work on the projects I've got to have completed before the end of day on March 31st.

The hours tend to blur and it's really easy to lose track of how long you've been sitting in front of a monitor, forgetting to hydrate properly or take a break at noon to have a meal.  I've been lucky in that last week my son was with me and would tap on my door at noon to remind me it was lunchtime and to get up from my home desk to change up the scenery.  I have my door closed so the calls don't disturb him as he's been working on his university courses in order to earn his degree in May.

Question from Theresa in Toronto: What is the mood like in the capital, are you getting more information that the rest of the country?
Answer: I'd say it's probably no different in Ottawa than it is in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). I've been on Google Hangout and Zoom calls with fellow employees around the globe and believe we all have the same worries and concerns. How long will we have to endure being isolated from family and friends, what will the final financial impact be on us, and what happens if I or someone I love develop symptoms related to Covid19.

As for information, well I think we are all in the same boat in regards to the regular flow of information. Being in Ottawa hasn't made me privy to more than anyone else around the country.

Question from Xing in Montreal: You mentioned in a prior post that you don't have cable anymore so I'm wondering how you are staying up to date on things?
Answer: Great question!  I have the radio on almost all the time I'm awake and not either on a work call or watching something on Netflix and Amazon Prime. I like to listen to both Hot 89.9 and Live 88.5 and both are owned by Stingray Radio which operates over 100 radio stations across the country in numerous formats. The nice thing is they are posting hourly updates when things develop as well as the daily news releases from both the federal and provincial governments. I also ping some online new platforms but am judicious in those I use so as to not fall victim to false news.

Question from Rachel in Ottawa: You've referred to yourself as an introvert and I wonder how this new social dynamic impacts you if at all?
Answer: I like to call myself an introvert with some extroverted tendencies. I understand that I can't be 100% introverted or I would never be able to function in the workplace, so I make myself talk with people when I'm out and about running errands, playing golf, or at work. Corinne used to roll her eyes when I said I was an introvert, especially after witnessing one of the many spur of the moment conversations I'd have with total strangers when we would be out. What she never really understood was the massive internal struggle I had to deal with in order to initiate those talks, how the inner voice was always telling me the words I was using were wrong, and how my inner demon would tell me that people were laughing at me behind fake smiles. All my demons to deal with and I've done so for many years.

So I think I'm in a better place than a lot of people are when dealing with social distancing as it's really been my norm for many years. It doesn't mean I like it or wish I wasn't more outgoing, but we deal with the cards we've been dealt the best we can. I absolutely miss seeing my grandkids face to face, trying to annoy my grandson with silly questions or holding my now almost 8 weeks old granddaughter.

Question from Bob in San Diego: What are you watching on Netflix or Amazon to fill the time?
Answer: I've mostly been using Netflix but have been over on Amazon Prime a bit more lately. I recently finished The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix and will probably go back and watch Riverside as well, though since I only got through episode 5 of the first season I'll probably go back and start from scratch. One show my daughter suggested was "Formula One - Drive to Succeed" and i loved it. Never really thought too much about F1 racing but each episode really kept me on the edge of my seat. Over on Amazon Prime, I finished off the two seasons of Jack Ryan and have started to watch "The Good Fight" as well as "Psych". One legal drama and one comedy.  I mix in movies all the time but really tend to spend most of my free time reading books, either the old fashioned way or on my iPad.

If anyone has suggestions for other shows or movies let me know, don't be shy lol

So this was the first of what will likely be a few of these Q&A sessions.

My name is Marcus and I will come out the other side of the Covid19 Pandemic a better person, count on it friends!

Want to add some questions or just chat about life? ping me at

Today's musical suggestion is "Yin Yang" by USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker). The YouTube video is pretty cool so I've added the link for you.

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