Sunday, March 22/20
This won't be a long posting as it is really just a thought that popped into my head while I was back at Staples returning the HDMI to Video adaptor this afternoon and happened to overhear a woman complaining to her husband, or maybe it was her boyfriend as I didn't bother to see if she was sporting a ring but did observe her making a point to lean into him and mark her ownership lol
The gist of her complaint was that the party she spent hours setting up at a local restaurant had to be put on hold and she just couldn't understand why this "stuff" always seemed to happen to her.
I guess as I grow older my ability to engage my inner filter grows weaker or my "No Fucks To Give" barometer just empties so much faster when I hear people whining about things like they are the only ones being inconvenienced.
Hearing her complain must have triggered a chuckle in me at her plight as she looked back at me and asked what was so funny.
Now I'm sure there was an internal debate in my mind on whether or not I should even bother answering this self-entitled Millenials question but it must have been over in a nanosecond because before I knew it I was telling her this.......
"Shit happens Princess. Good Shit, Bad Shit. So-so shit. It all happens and we do the best we can with the hand we're dealt with. I'm sure the nurses and doctors working double shifts to treat people who have come down with Covid19 are asking why this is happening. The hundreds of thousands of people who aren't working right now are probably asking why this is happening to them and how they are going to meet rent or mortgage payments. I doubt not one parent who is dealing with being home to take care of a child isn't asking why this is happening, the people in assisted living are probably wondering how they are going to get through this without being able to see family members, the thousands of people who were lined up yesterday trying to get across the border before it closed were surely wondering why this was happening to them.
How you decide to deal with the shit happening says quite a bit about the kind of person you are, and right now that isn't scoring so well on the likeability meter.
So instead of standing in line whining about a party maybe you can show some sensitivity to the real pain and concerns going on around you"
I'll give credit where credit is due and applaud her partner for his actions as he shifted her focus back towards himself when she started to reply to me and told her that she should take a moment and think about her actions as she had been kind of acting immature.
These are difficult times people, I totally get it, but there are a lot more people experiencing difficulties than I am right now and I'm always going to call someone out who acts like this, the current situation is tough on a lot of people so let's try and keep that in mind before complaining about a missed party, beauty appointment, or not being able to see a concert or movie.
I'm using my time to read more, take some online courses to improve my excel skills, and will be looking at maybe seeing if I can work on my German language skills, okay to be fair, to actually develop some language skills :-)
My name is Marcus and it is in the difficult times we establish the type of person we are and show our inner strength.
Sunday's musical suggestion is "Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol. Pretty sure I've recommended this one before but it strikes a chord with me today with every that is going on around us right now.
Send me a message and let know how things are going where you live, I'm honestly curious given the blog gets views from around the world-->
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