Today's musical recommendation - Open Season by the High Highs
I dread Thursday. For those of you living under a rock this Thursday is Valentine’s Day. No, I don’t dread it because I’m single and won’t be sharing it with the one.
I dread Thursday. For those of you living under a rock this Thursday is Valentine’s Day. No, I don’t dread it because I’m single and won’t be sharing it with the one.
The truth is that I’ve always dreaded Valentine’s Day, but
not for the reason you may think.
I am a romantic at heart and think that love should be
shared each and every day you find yourself fortunate enough to be in a
relationship and not because there is one artificial day set aside to show the
rest of the world what great partners we are.
Romance isn’t the stress of trying to find the perfect gift,
book the best restaurant, or ensuring the flowers or candy get delivered before
a predetermined time.
No, to me romance is a touch as we pass one another, a glass
of cold orange juice left on the bathroom counter for when the shower is done,
finding your favorite magazine laying on your night stand, a card in the mail
out of the blue, a smile from across the room, a text for no reason, lunch time
dates that elicit a smile and a sigh, and so many other things.
I’ve been fortunate for the most part to have had partners
who shared my view on romance and shunned the hoopla that surrounds Valentine’s
Day. I also had one relationship where she focused so much energy and time on
Valentine’s Day that I should have seen it as a sign of the coming apocalypse,
I kid you not.
Now I’m sure much of what I just wrote will leave many
shaking their heads and saying “No wonder the man is still single, he has no
clue what makes a woman happy” and I concede there might be some validity to
your thoughts. I did say some as I’m more and more of the opinion that there
are a lot of us out there thinking things have gotten way too complicated
around this one day.
So maybe you are wondering what I would do this Thursday if
I was with the One. That is a fair question and I’ll just say this, I wouldn’t
force anything and am confident that at the end of that day, like every other
day we shared, she would close her eyes at the end of the day knowing how much
I love her and cherish her presence in my life.
So having read this far what is your take on Valentine’s
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