Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feb 08/13 - Words.......

Today’s musical recommendation is “Tear You Apart” by She Wants Revenge. Oddly enough SWR is an all guy band from Southern California.


Have you ever stopped to wonder about the power of words?

The right words can lift your spirits and make you smile, my you look simply ravishing in that dress, and they can leave you feeling deflated and unloved, you aren’t really thinking of wearing that tonight are you?

There are the spoken words we use to communicate and the one’s left unsaid that actually say more than we can ever imagine and whose impact can be felt long after the sun has set.

Sometimes we are the party expressing those unspoken words and don’t ever know we’ve done so. Other times we’ve been the recipient of them and felt the deep cuts they may or may not have been meant to cause us.

One word can have multiple meanings and depending on how we use it defines a sentence and message. Live from the Apollo Theatre versus live for tomorrow… word with multiple opportunities to express a message.

I love you spoken unasked versus being asked if you love them…..of course I love you, why do you ask such silly questions……is it really a silly question or a simple attempt to achieve some confirmation of feelings from one person to another

Hearing my partner say I love you out of the blue would make my hear pound while hearing the same words as we got ready to fall asleep didn’t quite generate the same feeling. Now don’t get me wrong and think for a moment I didn’t like hearing those words at night but reach back into your memory and ask yourself if the unexpected didn’t have just that tad bit more oomph to it than the expected.

How about when you know the words are coming and suddenly they don’t? When in a relationship I’m all about ending calls with the simple “love you” and when I don’t hear it back alarms start to go off and numerous questions begin racing through my pea sized mind – does she not love me? Is she mad at me? Can this be the beginning of the end?

I agree that response on my part is kind of humorous but the worry still comes out when the expected doesn’t happen. I think that is mixture of human nature, the evolution of dating, and the complexity of relationships in the modern age. When you don’t feel that connection anymore, you tend to resist expressing yourself quite so freely and one of the easiest ways to begin to establish your independence is to hold back on key words or expressions.

Women use words to try and cushion the blow of rejection – we can still be friends – whereas men will say what comes to mind and not think of the consequences – I don’t feel it anymore and think it best to just end things now. The male approach is more brute force but in the real world the more honest communication as the female approach can leave a man wondering if there is some hope of reconciliation. Usually there isn’t but we males tend to grasp at any lifeline possible, especially if we are being blindsided by the words.

I started thinking about this topic last night after a discussion with my son. He asked me a question and didn’t like my response and made a pithy comment, as teenagers are want to do these days. I started to respond and literally froze before I got the first words out. He laughed and asked me what was the matter and I smiled at him and said “It is better I take my time in thinking about how I wish to respond to you than regret my words later”

He didn’t understand what I meant and said so, so I explained that once I say a word or phrase I can’t take it back no matter how much I might want to do so, that it is far better to say nothing and have someone think me a fool than open my mouth and confirm their suspicions. He laughed and said he liked how that sounded and he would keep it in mind for when he has a girlfriend. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he wouldn’t be getting many words in edge wise with any girlfriends he might have in his teenage year’s lol

So when I have to respond to someone I weigh my words very carefully, most of the time, and now do the same with my written words as well. It might seem like I’m at a loss for words but let me assure that is hardly ever the case, it is more likely I’m doing my best to leave your suspicions about me unconfirmed, least for the moment.

My name is Marcus and I’m looking to date and hopefully meet the One

I have a dog -- I don't dance -- The dog will dance for treats and attention -- the dog is a princess and high maintenance but I still love her

My objective with the posts is to express my feelings on a number of topics and hopefully get people to see outside the box for you never know what you might miss by focusing too much on one thing. There is nothing wrong with living in the box as long as you realize there is a world outside that box and it just might be a pretty cool place to visit now and again.....I'm just saying

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