Friday, July 17, 2015

That Deja Vu Moment

Friday, July 17/2015

Please note that I originally started writing this entry back on Saturday, July 4/2015 and have been editing and tweaking it every since but feel it's as good as it's going to get and ready for your reading pleasure.

I tend to do that....begin writing a post, stop to do something, and go back and finish it later. I think there are still 3-4 posts in draft form sitting in my workspace.

Today's suggested song is "Dreams" by Beck

I've had today's blog topic percolating around for a few days now and on the drive home from the driving range this tune came on Live 88.5 and things just all came together.

What exactly is Deja Vu?  Well the Wikipedia free dictionary defines it as follows:

Déjà vu, (Listeni/ˌdʒɑː ˈv/; French pronunciation: ​[de.ʒa.vy]) from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced, has already been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not

Pretty simple enough and I bet each and every one of us has had a moment where we've stopped what we were doing and thought to ourselves that it all seemed like we'd been here before, I know I've had those moments more times than I'd like to count.

This post came about due to some dreams I've had over the last few weeks, now none of them have come true but that is the kicker, I know some of my dreams are actually a precursor of a future event as those are my Deja Vu moments. I've been somewhere new and it's suddenly dawned on me that everything around me is just too familiar, that I can find my way around without any difficulties or getting lost. When I first visited Ottawa it all felt like home and yet I'd never been here before in my life prior to 1994, but I knew how to get places using different roads that my ex had no clue about.

The same holds for people I've supposedly met for the first time, I'm either comfortable with them or on edge, both sensations are usually dead on in terms of how I should feel. I'm a big believer that a persons first instinct is usually dead on, not to tempt fate by going against it, and have learned this the hard way when I used to think I was nuts for feeling like I'd already met the person.

Now the dreams I had are pretty specific with people I've already met, notice I said people and not person, and the events that happen in them offer me some clues about recent events in my life, both good and bad events.

Now I'm not going to get into any of the details of either of these dreams other than to say when they happen, and they will in some form of that I am sure, I'll pause for a moment, smile to myself as it hits me that I've already done this once, and let nature take its course.

What are your Deja Vu moments like? Do you enjoy them or do they frighten you?

Monday, July 13, 2015

Been a Busy Week

July 13/2015

So I haven't posted an entry to the blog in more than a week so thought I should give everyone an update before the panic sets in and people think I'm doing a disappearing act again :)

Things have really picked up in my life on all fronts - parenting, coaching, working, and even relationship wise. Let me add all in a good way.

Parent wise you'd think things would be slow with summer vacation here but my son had a bit of a stumble with his math so his mom and I have been talking about what options exist to help get him back on track and ready for Grade 11 this fall.  We've decided to have him do some tutoring for the next few weeks and you can guess how that went over with him. Like my ex said, all we asked was a certain minimum and he struggled to achieve it so now he has to pay the piper.

Work has gotten really busy as people send things my way. I think over the past few weeks I've done more new stuff than I did in the prior five years at my old company. My boss has been super cool and easy to talk to about the new projects and it really has me feeling like a new person. More than one person has commented that I look so much happier at the new job than I ever did at the old one. So true and so happy that change came my way. Didn't like the change of being told my services were no longer needed but amazing how one companies discard becomes another companies gem!!

Coaching has seen me take a much more active role with my son's competitive soccer team and I think the results speak volumes - 3 wins and 1 tie in the last four games. The results are nice and sort of vindicate my belief in myself as a coach but the more rewarding aspect is that the lads seem to be enjoying themselves safe in the knowledge that I'm doing my best to shield them from undue criticism. Think it's still early in the process but the most recent email I received from the head coach thanked me for switching around practices from Friday to Sunday and reminded me to keep doing what I'm doing for "our" team.  Best part is my son is actually having fun once again and happy I stepped up to help out, for me the nice thing is that I've shown myself that I can be a more relaxed coach in a very competitive environment and not lose my "shit" when things aren't going as planned.

Relationship wise let me just say that C and I are talking again and taking things slow. Our talks have helped me understand better what she was going through with all the changes her new position were forcing on her and let me express how lost her making a decision on her own without any discussion between us that impacted both our lives in a huge way.  My daughter asked me if I was sure I wanted to go down that road again knowing how much I got hurt and I told her absolutely as being open to hurt means my feelings are real and that C means so much to means feeling joy and the occasional heart ache, doesn't mean giving up.

There is a reason there is a phrase "second chance" and I 'm a big believer in it. I've gotten more than my fair share of second chances so it would be hypocritical of me to deny one to someone I care so deeply about.

We're doing our best not to get too far ahead of ourselves and I'm sure we'll both have those moments where we hesitate and worry about where this is all headed and that's fine as it's part of being in a relationship. The key thing is we've agreed to talk before making decisions and I don't think we could ask for more than that now could we?

Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Parent Coach Struggle From Thursday

Friday, July 3/2015

So last night was one of those double duty nights that I think are going to be the norm for me this summer in that both my kids had a game at the same time. Now my ex and I have worked out a system so that one of us is at each kids game showing our support. Sometimes we get lucky, not that kind of lucky as we are just friends now so get your mind out of the gutter, and my son's game will be at 6:30 and my daughter will play at 8:30 so we can actually see both of them play.

Last night wasn't one of those nights as they both played at roughly the same time and since it is my free week custody wise I was going to see my daughter play out near Mooney's Bay. My daughter is a very competitive, wonder where she gets that from lol, and weeks I don't see her play at least one of her games, she plays for two different teams in different leagues, leaves her feeling out of sorts and moody so I do my best to catch at least one.

As I was driving to her game I was getting texts from my ex saying the head coach for my son's team wasn't at the field and since I'm an assistant coach for the team she wondered if I knew if he was going to be there or not. I pulled over, safety first, and texted back that I'd sent him my notes on Tuesday's 2-2 draw and reminded him I wasn't going to the Thursday game in order to watch my daughters game and he hadn't said he wasn't available for the game. I asked if the team manager had printed both his name and mine on the game sheets, she checked and said the manager told her she was always printing my name on them as this isn't the first time our HC has been a no show, not told anyone what is going on, or been late. It was now 15 minutes to game time and if I turned around right now I could be there just in time so I asked her what she thought, telling her I was kind of disposed to not going to his game and letting the club deal with this issue as there have been a lot of rumblings from the parents about the lack of coaching the team is getting, not for lack of effort on my part but it's hard to do things when the HC shows up and changes everything at the last minute.

She said no, continue onto the daughters game and she'd keep me posted. As I drove into the parking lot at the soccer pitch she sent me another text saying the boys were playing but without any coach as the team manager was trying to work things out but was really pissed off as she wasn't qualified to coach a representative team. I called my ex as I walked to the field, waving at my daughter as she was warming up, and told her the game wasn't legal and I was shocked the referee actually let them play as the rules state there as to be a coach on the sidelines. I told her I was going to talk to the head coach for the club itself as this has been going on for far too long and we didn't move him to this club to end up with a wasted season without any coaching. She said there were several parents planning on doing that as well and maybe the groundswell would see some changes, she hesitated and asked me if I'd be OK coaching his team full time as the head coach as my name was being mentioned by a lot of the parents and I said I would step up as this team has great potential and at least that way we would know our son was actually going to learn this summer.

We hung up and I watched my daughters game, she played awesome as she was playing her more natural position of outside midfielder versus the back line where she has been the last few games covering off for some injuries. My ex texted me the running score of our sons game and let me know the HC showed up just before halftime with some kind of excuse about going to our home field, that didn't fly as he had sent emails to the team reminding them it was an away game.......

My daughters team ended up winning 2-0 in a real physical battle and I was relieved she didn't get a yellow card as she isn't the kind of player to let anyone foul her over and over, goes back to that competitive nature she has. My son's team won 4-3 but from the texts I was getting on their drive home he wasn't too happy with things. When I got home I spoke with him briefly about it and could clearly hear in his voice that he was fighting back some tears. Seems all he got was criticism for not controlling the ball and shooting enough, yet according to his mom he'd made the pass that led to 3 of the 4 goals scored. I told him to relax and he wasn't going to the Friday practice while I sorted things out.

After we hung up I thought how best to deal with the situation and remembered when I had parents mad at me when I was a head coach, usually because their precious child wasn't playing as much as they thought they should or the position they wanted, both playing time and formations are a coaches decision, especially at the rep level.

So I did something I've never done before and wrote a letter outlining all the shortcomings from our coach beginning with the lack of practices, the two weeks he was off the radar and left me to deal with the team, and suggested the CHC might find it beneficial to have a dialogue with some of the parents in order to get a better understanding of the situation and mounting frustrations.

I've not heard anything back yet but since this is my custody week you know I'll be at Tuesday's practice as well as standing on the teams sideline at Thursday's game. Might be time I put on my big boy pants and shake things up a bit.

Might be an interesting week soccer wise for me :)

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Text Message That Has Me Sweating A Bit

Thursday, July 2/2015

So late last night I got a text from my son telling me he had another question for me and it was a really good one.

Normally these don't make me blink twice but after our chat yesterday I admit to being more than a little apprehensive about his next line of questions. I texted him back to go ahead and ask away and he replied he'd wait for a face to face moment as he wanted to be able to focus on the topic.

So now I've got two days to try and get my shit together and prepare myself for pretty much any topic under the sun.

Sometimes I wish I'd had girls and not one of each as that way my ex would be getting these messages but than I think with my luck I'd be like Mike Baxter from Last Man Standing and have a tomboy who would still be asking me the tough ones.

As hard as it may be, question wise, I'll put on my big boy pants and do the best I can. Hell, I'm already ahead of the game in relation to my own experiences growing up with my parents.

Bring it on son, give me your best shot as I'm ready for it, like I've been since the morning you made your appearance in my life :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Son Strikes Again.....

Wednesday, July 1/2015

Today's next song suggestion is "Come And Get It" by John Newman.

I've been listening to his album Tribute a lot since coming across one of the songs on an episode of Suits. I find several of the songs reverberate with me and when that happens I tend to put them on a loop and play them over and over.

So it wasn't my intent to post a second entry today but as usual life had other plans for me so here I am writing another entry.

This one comes courtesy of my son so all credit goes to him, whether earned or not.  He does tend to provide me with a lot of fodder for the blog, sometimes good and full of laughs and other times more thought provoking and the source of more than a few tears on my part.

As I mentioned in my Happy Canada Day post earlier today my son is meeting up with friends to enjoy the day at the KRC so when he asked me to drive him over to his girlfriends dads place it was expected and off we went.

Now her dad lives in the same neighbourhood as my ex so we have to drive right past her place which should feel kind of odd but doesn't in the least. I guess it would be weird if there was any romantic feelings for her but those are long gone and have been replaced with a nice sense of friendship. If I had to admit to my feelings towards her I'd say they border on those I might have for a sibling if I had one. The best thing we have going is the ability to continue to like one another, placing our kids welfare above all else, and being able to talk without letting any emotions get in the way.

So as we drove down the street I saw a man walking a dog and for some reason it made me think of Miles the purebred chocolate Labrador he shares with his mom. I asked him if his mom or T, her boyfriend, took him for walks and he said they do but he, my son, doesn't as Miles has a mind of his own and is quite a handful at 85 pounds to control. I laughed and said I bet and was glad he got out for walks as Miles is the male version of Moki, a huge baby who has to have attention like it was air or water. As a family we've been really fortunate in the pets we've had as all have been affectionate and awesome to the extreme.

As he drove past the soccer pitch I spent more hours on last year than I thought possible a commercial came on the radio for Hot 89.9 about their latest contest and I sort of laughed out loud which caused my son to ask what was so funny. Now some background is probably in order here so things make sense context wise. Hot 89.9's new promotion and contest is to get your picture taken with the Hot 89.9 Beaver and post it with the hash tag #SpotTheHotBeaver. Here in Canada it is accepted that beaver is also slang for a certain part of a woman's anatomy...think about it for a moment and it'll come to pun intended lol

That of itself didn't make me laugh but rather the give and take that the Morning Hot Tub had yesterday with Mauler and Rush doing everything they could to make Jenni laugh as they used as many sexual innuendos as possible. They finally got her when Rush mentioned it might rain today which when added to some humidity would make for a rather hot and wet beaver whereupon Jenni said not if it used an umbrella and was covered up. Took her a moment to think about her choice of words before all three were laughing as well as most listeners I'd venture to say.

So knowing there was no way around his question, not that I would look for one as my position with my children as always been I'll honestly answer any and all questions they ask as long as they understands the question and accept the consequences of any answers, I glanced at him and asked he if understood what a sexual innuendo was and he said sort of and looked at me with renewed interest knowing inside that something good was developing.

I took a deep breath and asked him what he knew about beavers. He looked at me with that look that said he thought I was losing it and said it was an animal and there were many in the national capital region where we lived. Hearing the last part of his answer had me bursting with laughter and him saying "What?" in a rather pissed off tone.

I took a deep breath and explained that beaver was a sexual innuendo for a vagina and that the entire commercial was one long joke. He smiled and said he understood but didn't get why I laughed when it came on and I explained about yesterday's morning show and I could see some confusion once again so I decided to take it easy on him by recounting it. As I did I could sense the wheels turning and a slight blush developing on his face.

There was a few moments where nothing was said before he deadpanned to me "I like beaver" and I laughed and replied "You and me both buddy"

As I made a turn he said one thing about the promo was silly and I asked what and he said aren't all beavers hairy, wet, and hot when it rains?  Now I knew what he meant but was extremely proud of him for running with the whole innuendo thing and not asking the question straight out as that would have made the conversation a little more awkward lol

I gave some thought to how much farther this conversation might go and realized it didn't have much time left as we were close to our destination.  I told him that not all were hairy as some were trimmed, some different colours, and some were actually quite bald. He then shocked me by asking if that was where the saying "carpets matching the drapes" comes from. I said I didn't know if that was its origination but it has been around for as long as I can remember.

He then shocked me further by asking how I liked it and I almost choked and considered declining to answer him but thought in for a penny in for a pound and told him I'm not a fan of the bald beaver. He laughed and said he'd thought he had me at that one making me realize he is trying to find the question I won't answer as well as pushing his own boundaries.

As we pulled up to his girlfriends dad's house he leaned over to give me a hug and thanked me for the ride and the talk. I told him to enjoy himself, stay with his friends, be aware of his surroundings, and if he couldn't get a hold of his mom later to text me and I'd come and get him. He asked what I was doing today and I told him maybe some golf and Netflix tonight. He wished me a good round and then hesitated for a brief moment before saying he could hang out with me if I wanted. I asked where that had come from as I knew his plans had been building all week and he replied he didn't like me being alone all the time and remembered the plans I had set earlier this year.

I felt a tear and told him I was fine and wanted him to enjoy himself with his friends and not worry about me. He asked if I was sure and I assured him I was. He told me he was sorry things didn't work out like I had hoped and I said life has a way of keeping one on their feet so don't spend so much time worrying about me and spend more time experiencing life for yourself.

He smiled at me and got out of the car and headed up the driveway, turning once to way at me.

It sucks to be spending this day alone once again but I was this close to having someone special to share it with, encouragement that it might still happen for me.

So once more my incredibly attentive son had me smiling, laughing, and almost crying. I consider it a good day when some of those emotions happen thanks to him and his sister.

The funny thing is that I know he only has these kinds of conversations with me as does his sister with my ex. I'm thankful each of them feels comfortable enough to talk to one of us about anything and they actually do it on a daily basis.

I'm there for my kids no matter what the topic, the outcome, or the emotional price it may cost me. I don't think there is anything better I can accomplish in my life than that simple act for them.

Happy Birthday Canada!!!!

Wednesday, July 1/2015

Today's song suggestion is "Oh Canada"   Did you really expect anything else lol

For a different sound on the national anthem try "Oh...Canada" by Classified and you can find the YouTube video here:

Today marks the 148th birthday of Canada as a country.

We've come so far as a nation and have some ways to go before we get to the point we are seeking.

We balance a form of benevolent socialism with a dynamic form or capitalism. That socialism takes the form of our national universal health care system and I think it sets us apart from our cousins down south.  Well that and our love of hockey, igloo's, toques, beavers, and chasing polar bears out of our towns. Hopefully most will see the tongue in cheek joke that most of the just mentioned things aren't really true, really only three and I'll leave it to the reader to decide which three :)

I awoke to find clouds and some rain to mark such a special day and wondered for a moment if my own mood had brought on the weather and than just shook it off to a coincidence. How could my mood have influenced the weather you ask, well it's pretty simple as this was to be the year I spent Canada Day with someone enjoying the day as in years past I've never been in a relationship and my custody works that this week almost always falls with my son at his mom's.

I do have my son for the morning as he slept over last night after his teams 2-2 draw last night and their first points earned in the standings. It's not my week with him but my ex had a party to attend last night and asked if I would be able to do the soccer game and I jumped at the chance, what father wouldn't take advantage of extra time with his children?.

My son will head off around noon to hang out with his girlfriend and friends to enjoy some of the festivities going on at the local recreation complex and his mom will pick them up later when things are over.

As for myself, well originally I was going to be up in the valley celebrating Canada Day with C and her organization as they put on a really good event. It was going to be another introduction to her organization and I was really excited to go when we first talked about it. I'm proud of C and the position she holds as well as her organization, but sad that I won't get to see her shine in her new environment today.

So now my plans will involve my new duties of driver for my son, taking Moki for a walk or two, and maybe trying to sneak in a round of golf if the weather allows.

Come tonight when I hear the fireworks I'll think of my son and hope he is enjoying himself, wonder if my daughter is down in the throng of people crowding Parliament Hill, and imagine the kiss I would have shared with C as her eyes twinkled with the lights from the fireworks exploding overhead.

Happy Birthday Canada!!!!!!!!!!