Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Text Message That Has Me Sweating A Bit

Thursday, July 2/2015

So late last night I got a text from my son telling me he had another question for me and it was a really good one.

Normally these don't make me blink twice but after our chat yesterday I admit to being more than a little apprehensive about his next line of questions. I texted him back to go ahead and ask away and he replied he'd wait for a face to face moment as he wanted to be able to focus on the topic.

So now I've got two days to try and get my shit together and prepare myself for pretty much any topic under the sun.

Sometimes I wish I'd had girls and not one of each as that way my ex would be getting these messages but than I think with my luck I'd be like Mike Baxter from Last Man Standing and have a tomboy who would still be asking me the tough ones.

As hard as it may be, question wise, I'll put on my big boy pants and do the best I can. Hell, I'm already ahead of the game in relation to my own experiences growing up with my parents.

Bring it on son, give me your best shot as I'm ready for it, like I've been since the morning you made your appearance in my life :)

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