Friday, July 17, 2015

That Deja Vu Moment

Friday, July 17/2015

Please note that I originally started writing this entry back on Saturday, July 4/2015 and have been editing and tweaking it every since but feel it's as good as it's going to get and ready for your reading pleasure.

I tend to do that....begin writing a post, stop to do something, and go back and finish it later. I think there are still 3-4 posts in draft form sitting in my workspace.

Today's suggested song is "Dreams" by Beck

I've had today's blog topic percolating around for a few days now and on the drive home from the driving range this tune came on Live 88.5 and things just all came together.

What exactly is Deja Vu?  Well the Wikipedia free dictionary defines it as follows:

Déjà vu, (Listeni/ˌdʒɑː ˈv/; French pronunciation: ​[de.ʒa.vy]) from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced, has already been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not

Pretty simple enough and I bet each and every one of us has had a moment where we've stopped what we were doing and thought to ourselves that it all seemed like we'd been here before, I know I've had those moments more times than I'd like to count.

This post came about due to some dreams I've had over the last few weeks, now none of them have come true but that is the kicker, I know some of my dreams are actually a precursor of a future event as those are my Deja Vu moments. I've been somewhere new and it's suddenly dawned on me that everything around me is just too familiar, that I can find my way around without any difficulties or getting lost. When I first visited Ottawa it all felt like home and yet I'd never been here before in my life prior to 1994, but I knew how to get places using different roads that my ex had no clue about.

The same holds for people I've supposedly met for the first time, I'm either comfortable with them or on edge, both sensations are usually dead on in terms of how I should feel. I'm a big believer that a persons first instinct is usually dead on, not to tempt fate by going against it, and have learned this the hard way when I used to think I was nuts for feeling like I'd already met the person.

Now the dreams I had are pretty specific with people I've already met, notice I said people and not person, and the events that happen in them offer me some clues about recent events in my life, both good and bad events.

Now I'm not going to get into any of the details of either of these dreams other than to say when they happen, and they will in some form of that I am sure, I'll pause for a moment, smile to myself as it hits me that I've already done this once, and let nature take its course.

What are your Deja Vu moments like? Do you enjoy them or do they frighten you?

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