Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Canada!!!!

Wednesday, July 1/2015

Today's song suggestion is "Oh Canada"   Did you really expect anything else lol

For a different sound on the national anthem try "Oh...Canada" by Classified and you can find the YouTube video here:

Today marks the 148th birthday of Canada as a country.

We've come so far as a nation and have some ways to go before we get to the point we are seeking.

We balance a form of benevolent socialism with a dynamic form or capitalism. That socialism takes the form of our national universal health care system and I think it sets us apart from our cousins down south.  Well that and our love of hockey, igloo's, toques, beavers, and chasing polar bears out of our towns. Hopefully most will see the tongue in cheek joke that most of the just mentioned things aren't really true, really only three and I'll leave it to the reader to decide which three :)

I awoke to find clouds and some rain to mark such a special day and wondered for a moment if my own mood had brought on the weather and than just shook it off to a coincidence. How could my mood have influenced the weather you ask, well it's pretty simple as this was to be the year I spent Canada Day with someone enjoying the day as in years past I've never been in a relationship and my custody works that this week almost always falls with my son at his mom's.

I do have my son for the morning as he slept over last night after his teams 2-2 draw last night and their first points earned in the standings. It's not my week with him but my ex had a party to attend last night and asked if I would be able to do the soccer game and I jumped at the chance, what father wouldn't take advantage of extra time with his children?.

My son will head off around noon to hang out with his girlfriend and friends to enjoy some of the festivities going on at the local recreation complex and his mom will pick them up later when things are over.

As for myself, well originally I was going to be up in the valley celebrating Canada Day with C and her organization as they put on a really good event. It was going to be another introduction to her organization and I was really excited to go when we first talked about it. I'm proud of C and the position she holds as well as her organization, but sad that I won't get to see her shine in her new environment today.

So now my plans will involve my new duties of driver for my son, taking Moki for a walk or two, and maybe trying to sneak in a round of golf if the weather allows.

Come tonight when I hear the fireworks I'll think of my son and hope he is enjoying himself, wonder if my daughter is down in the throng of people crowding Parliament Hill, and imagine the kiss I would have shared with C as her eyes twinkled with the lights from the fireworks exploding overhead.

Happy Birthday Canada!!!!!!!!!!

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