So this year ends for me like it began, with snow falling and me contemplating what life has brought me, taken from me, and possibly offers me if I'm only willing to reach out and grab that brass ring.
It's currently 12:45pm EST and snow has been softly falling for several hours now making a wonderful picture outside my front window. The son is cleaning up and we'll be heading out for a late breakfast before I drive him over to a New Years party at a friends house later this evening. The plan is for him to sleepover but I'll be ready to do the designated driver thing later should those plans change, like they usually do.
So over the course of the next few hours I'll be writing the last blog entry for 2016. You can bet house money that there will be many edits done to it before the final version is posted, there are even small odds the final posting won't happen before midnight but that's ok as there are far more enjoyable things to be doing at the strike of midnight than reading this blog.
And yes my mind went there and so should yours this time as it's the end of the year and what better activity is there to do than that with your special someone.......
So onwards to my State of the Union for 2016. The year just passed was filled with far more good times and highlights than not but it still seemed to feel somewhat empty for most of the year.
The State of the Economy
In some ways 2016 was a repeat of 2015 in terms of one position ending and another opportunity presenting itself. The big difference this time around was that I was better positioned financially and emotionally to deal with the sudden news that my company had been bought by a U.S. based competitor. They kept two people full time and offered the rest of us transition contracts that made it financially worthwhile to hang around for the desired 6 months, six months that ended up getting extended by another month when they realized there were some statutory audits to complete that were not going to get done by September 30th.
Besides the payout from agreeing to stay through the transition I learned a lot about how to actually manage such a transition in the future should I ever have to do one myself. I really should say I learned what not to do in a transition as it seemed like anything the new company could do wrong they did, almost as if it was an attempt to try every one's patience. It's kind of almost funny as I thought the company that came in and bought my old employer, the one I exited in 2015, really screwed the pooch in how they handled things but I can now honestly say they aced the process compared the recent process I went through.
I was extremely lucky in that my CFO from my previous employer started a new job himself and within a matter of days knew he needed to beef up his staff and reached out to me to see if I had found anything new yet as he knew about the sale of my employer and pending job search.
Over the course of two phone calls we worked out a position for me and the parameters of my employment that I was told by my people and cultures contact on my start date were the fastest they've ever created in the history of the organization.
So far I've been there for about 11 weeks and while I'm crazy busy I'm also loving every minute of it as I much prefer busy over bored any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
Somehow I managed to get a small boost in wages but the kicker was that they offer a pension that is more than generous with the company contributing 2x what I do to my plan. So can't beat that and I don't see any reason why I'll be thinking about leaving - work is interesting, pay is good, benefits are excellent, and the office is down in the Glebe so lots to do at lunch.
Even better is that now I can shift the money I was sending to my RRSP to my son's RESP and should be able to meet my target by this time next year for his university requirements.
I'm giving some serious thought to selling my house in the spring and buying something a tad bit newer in a new development going up in my area. If my initial calculations are correct than I should be able to walk away with a bit of a nest egg and a better house with a garage. There is a bit more research to do and I'll keep you updated as things progress.
All in all, I'd say that coming off of back to back years in which my position was eliminated, I'm doing pretty damn good. My bank balance is good and I've set myself up to continue to see marked improvements in my position year over year.
The State of Domestic Affairs
My son earned his G1 license and broke one more string that somewhat bound him to his parents. It reminded me on just how much my own life changed when that new found freedom came my way many more years than I care to admit too. He's been a very consciousness driver and not let himself get talked into becoming the taxi service for all of his friends. Something it took his sister a lot longer to grasp and maybe he remembered some of those discussions, really arguments, his mother and I had with her about those kinds of activities.
I was able to continue keeping my bond strong with him by just being there when he needed someone to talk to without being judgmental about the things he wanted to talk about. It's almost sad that anyone can be a parent but you've got to get a license to drive a boat or snowmobile these days.
My relationship with my daughter seemed to grow stronger over the course of the year and I really can't pinpoint a reason for it other than maybe we both learned to be a bit more patient with one another. Though she is not my daughter biologically she has far more of me in her than anyone thought possible, prove positive that DNA is not the sole basis for establishing parentage.
She has my competitive streak inside her, maybe too much as sometimes I've wondered who the real alpha is when we are on a soccer pitch. My son's own competitive nature seems to have picked up a bit itself as he wasn't willing to put up with as much goofing around during soccer practises as he has in the past, even going so far this past summer to tell me it was time I reverted to my former coaching style in order to right the ship lol
I enjoyed my season coaching his team but really think deep down inside that my days as a coach are over and done with as I didn't have the same motivation I've had in seasons past, finding myself watching the games, and him, more than I was coaching the players.
The biggest change on the domestic front was the arrival of baby Jack. I think it is safe to say that that little boy has completely stolen his grandfathers heart. Nothing can make me smile more than getting a random text from my daughter with a picture or video of him.
It's funny that when I think of my children I almost always have a particular image in mind, my daughter running down the sidewalk from her aunts house in '94 to see me for the very first time or teaching her to ride a bike in '94 and my son sitting in the living room when he was about a year old in nothing more than a diaper holding my putter and smiling at his mother as she took a picture of that moment.
Now here is my daughter a mother of her own and my son soon heading off to university. The times may have changed but my devotion to my family will never wane. If my Latin is correct than the words I choose to live by would be Fides et familia
State of Foreign Affairs
This one is the easiest and yet most painful to contemplate and present.
For the truth be told there were no foreign affairs of any kind in the past year. I spent the first part of the year attempting to understand my mistake with C and than heal from it. I'd say I'm about 90% of the way there and getting better each day that passes. I still have far too many reminders of her happening around me on a daily basis but the saying that time heals all wounds is a good one as it's true, just sometimes it seems to take more time to heal than you'd like. But thems the cards we're dealt so no need to cry over them, just go ahead and play the hand you are dealt and make the most of the results.
I have gone out on a few meet and greets, can't come to call them dates as none where more than a drink and some chat, without anything developing, least on my end. I've got my profile up on one dating site but not really paying it much attention as it just seems like an exercise in futility on my part right now.
C and my ex set the bar pretty high when it comes to intelligence, beauty, compassion, and that overall hard to define feeling of "it"
If I end up never really feeling that connection with another woman it won't be the end of things for me as I consider myself pretty damn fortunate to have been in love with two amazing women in my life and to have somehow hood winked them into loving me back.
Now I'm not saying I'm not open to falling in love again but it's going to take a lot to get me to open myself up once again and be so vulnerable. The rather ironic thing is that with one of those women the door has been closed for years by mutual consent and the other could come back into my life and I'd embrace her once more as if no time has passed between us. Of course that won't be happening as she has moved on as well but the truth is that she possessed my heart the most of anyone I've ever been with, more than I thought at the time, and that is what has made it so difficult to move on as it wouldn't be fair to anyone I meet as there is no way they could ever come close to measuring up to what makes me feel deep inside the way this woman did, does, and could.
The State of Me
Wasn't sure really how to phrase this section but since it's basically about me that header seems good enough.
My health was good for most of the year with the only real blip being the back surgery I had back in June that took me a bit longer to recover from that I originally anticipated.
I have not always been the most patient person around nor the most outgoing but think that really changed this year as I can't recall losing my temper this year and had some comments made to me at the new job complimenting me for always seeming to be in a good mood. I don't know how true that is but I've been trying hard not to let things get me down as much as I used too.
Again this is partially the influence of being with C as she was really good at reminding me that my life is pretty damn good compared to a lot of people around the world, in essence making me open my eyes to what I have here and now and not being so worried about what I don't have.
I'd say the biggest change this year came in my golf game, you didn't think I'd fail to mention my addiction now did you.
The back issue forced me to slow down my swing and lessen the pressure I was placing on my lower back that was coming from the quick shift in my hips as I transitioned from the back swing to the fore swing. I think I lost about 20-25 yards but was able to keep the ball on a more playable flight line.
Pre-surgery I was shooting mid 90's and slowly creeping closer to my targeted handicap of 18. As I began to feel more comfortable post surgery I was able to push the speed envelope and regain those lost yards without giving up any of the ball control I'd established, resulting in a few sub 90 rounds and moving my handicap down from around a 26 to a decent 19 on average.
The season was far too short for me and that comes after still managing to play around 60 rounds this past season. The one thing I missed was my caddy at Pembroke and Roanoke up in the valley :-)
I love my Ping G30's but found something was missing with the Ping Driver I bought myself a few years back and made the move to the Nike Vapour with standard flex graphite shaft - holy crap did that make a huge difference, going from about 220 off the tee to around 245-260 on most drives. I also started to use my fairway woods more and noticed a huge difference in my distances. My son and daughters fiancé combined to buy me the 3 wood and 3 hybrid in the Nike Vapour line and now I'm literally salivating for the season to start.
I'm giving some serious thought to driving down to Myrtle Beach this March when my son is in Europe for the Spring Break and getting in as many rounds as I can in the course of a weeks play, figuring I can leave on a Friday right from work and get down there sometime on Sunday, play that afternoon and every day for the next 5 days and than leave Saturday morning and be back in Ottawa for Sunday night. Sounding better and better to me as I've got nothing else going on and it might be the perfect reward for surviving the year end audit at work that will just be closing out.
So now you have my state of the union. Probably not as good as the one Obama will do for the last time next month or the one Trump will attempt to do in 2018.
But it is a capsule of my recent year, both the good and the bad, for better or worse.
My hope is that 2017 continues just like the year that is ending did with one exception, I have someone special in my life who makes me smile just by thinking of her.
Reminder that closed doors can still be opened, even the locked ones if you just remember to use the right key.......
My name is Marcus and I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoy writing them. Cheapest form of therapy I could ever hope to utilize in my life.
I hope each of you has a very Happy New Years Eve and find that which you are seeking in 2017.
My last musical suggestion for 2016 is "If I Get High" by Nothing But Thieves and comes courtesy of my son as it was one he played for me today as we were driving to get breakfast. I've got to say I love that boys varied taste in music more and more each day....just more proof that he's so mine