Saturday, December 31, 2016

A Random Question from My Son

Saturday, December 31/16

Rihana's "Please Don't Stop the Music" is my morning jam today.

So in an earlier blog I commented about doing one about my son and how I know he's mine.

Well it is a work in progress as there are so many ways I know that boy is mine that go far and beyond what any blood test could prove, should I even have to think about one which I don't.

I think we can all agree that my mind works in mysterious ways given some of my blog topics, I'm willing to bet the majority of you wonder just what the hell  goes on in the deep and darker corridors that is my mind but trust me that is a trip you only want to undertake if there is a guide as that place scares the crap out of me some days and I'm the proprietor.

So last night I'm sitting on the couch reading a book while listening to some music when my son comes out of his room during a break in the Rocket League tournament he's playing online with some of his friends to get a snack and drink. I really don't pay much attention as my book is pretty good and I've got Moki the Wonder Puppy curled up in my lap so between that and having my son over the world is doing right by me.

He grabs the remainder of the baguette and sliced cheese along with some water and heads back to his room when he stopped at the couch and without even any facial movement asks me in a very matter of fact voice "Do you ever wonder who would win between Predator and Kevin from the Home Alone movies?" and before even hearing my response continues on his way back to finish dominating his buddies.

I paused and thought about it for a moment and than went back to scratching the dogs ear and seeing how the protagonist in my book was going to fare.

About an hour later the question came back to the surface and I sort of laughed out loud at how it is exactly the kind of thing that I would ponder at some point when my mind had a down moment. It made me think back to all of the off the wall questions he's asked me over the years and how each was actually a pretty cool question when one took a moment to think about it.

Case in point with this latest query, how would a small adolescent child do against a battle hardened blood thirsty alien whose sole aim in life was the hunt. When you really think about it the question is age old and can be reviewed against historical results: David vs. Goliath, Sparta vs. Persia, England vs. Napoleon, and Israel vs. The Arab League.  All are resplendent with the little guy prevailing over a noted superior power.

But this is just a question about two movie characters from established franchises right?

You'd like to think so but knowing my son as I do there was a real question there and one he was expecting me to answer at some point.

Once more I went back to my book and tending the dog lest she show her displeasure by harrumphing at me like she has recently taken to doing when I'm not doing something she expects me to do. Still trying to figure out how she learned to communicate her feelings to me and/or how I came to understand them so completely lol

Now as time passed I could sense my son getting anxious to hear my response but decided to be mean and make him wait for a bit.

Around midnight I decided it was time for this old man to hit the sheets and get some beauty sleep so I tidied up briefly and headed off to my room. As I passed the doorway to my son's room I saw him look up and smile at me but didn't say a word to him. Sometimes the slow torture is so rewarding :)

I went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

As I headed back to my room I paused at his door and simply said "Give Kevin an hours prep time and I'd pick him to win" and saw him thinking that over as I closed his door.

An hour later my cell chirped me out of a light sleep to tell me that I had a text message.

"I agree and wonder if he'd even need the hour prep time"

followed by another

"Can't wait till baby Jack is old enough to watch those with me"

I smiled and texted him back

"Careful what you wish for as he just might view you as the predator and respond accordingly"

All I heard after that was his laugh and I could picture his smile as he imagined matching wits with his nephew in the years to much as I love my son I'm going to go out and say right now my money is on his nephew to win any future battles.........I mean how can that kid lose given he has both his mother and grandfather's DNA lurking just under the surface of what my son views as a calm pool of  water.............

My name is Marcus and these are my  continuing adventures at being a parent, friend, co-worker, new grandfather, and maybe even the special one to someone.

P.S. still to come later today is the official state of the union :-)

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