Thursday, December 01/16
So just a reminder to the couple of Internet trolls who bashed me for my recent blog entry........
It's my blog.
That means I am the sole contributor, copyright editor, and final authority on what makes it to print.
That means I write what I want, when I want, for whom I want.
I will not submit content for pre-screening. Not now, not ever.
I write to please myself and maybe help someone else who might be facing some of the same things I am as a single parent, friend. co-worker, or even romantic partner.
I write as it is the cheapest form of therapy available. Trust me on this one, we've all needed some type of therapy at one moment or another in our lives. When I find the blog isn't cutting it for me in that department I go and talk to someone. I'm not so macho as to think I never need it or it's not for me, any help is good help.
If you don't like my blog or any of the postings than I have a very simple solution for you. STOP READING IT!
I'm not paid to post entries nor do I receive any form of compensation. I do it because it makes me feel good inside and helps me deal with life's little ups and downs.
The topics I choose come at me randomly more often than not, but sometimes I blog about how I'm feeling, whether it's something awesome like learning I'm going to be a grandfather or something kind of sad like being in love but no longer loved.
So I'm just going to keep on blogging and let you decide if you'd like to read it or not. Really no skin off my back either way.
Keep in mind that future blogs could be about C, could be about how woeful my beloved ManU is playing, my inability to consistently hit my driver farther than 220 yards, or something as mundane as why do all the leaves in my neighbourhood seem to end up in my driveway.
So having said my piece and now feeling less angry at the Internet trolls let me wish each of you a goodnight and many happy days to come.
Marcus the merry blogger
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