Sunday, December 25th, 2016
I would like to wish each and every one of my followers a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's!!
I've been up since 7am and in the last few hours Moki and I have been for a walk, tidied up the house, set out the service and cutlery for Christmas dinner, and are now awaiting the onslaught that will be my daughter, her fiancé, my grandson, their dogs, and my son.
It's going to be a great time, we're sure to get a bit loud as we laugh and joke with one another, watch the dogs fight over toys, each has one under the tree from yours truly, and make comments on the gifts we've given one another.
Along the way my daughter will hug me and tell me she's sure that grandma, my mom, is looking out over all of us and smiling as she watches her great grandson sleep quietly with the new stuffed polar bear his grandpa gave him.
My son will come up to me at some point and simply hug me and tell me he loves me and is lucky to have me as his father, where the truth is just the opposite as I'm the lucky one to have two amazing children who bring me so many smiles and laughs.
Christmas isn't about the exchange of gifts, it's about sharing the time with those important to you and reminding oneself that even in our darkest hours there are people who love us for us and would do anything for us.......
My biggest wish is that you are able to share the holidays with those you love.
This Christmas will be extra special for me due to the arrival of my early gift in the form of Baby Jack :-)
As my kids open gifts you'll find me holding him and softly kissing his cheek, whispering to wait till next year little man and see how spoiled we'll all make you feel with our love first and foremost.
Please take a moment and say a silent prayer for those unable to be with loved ones due to circumstances out of their control.
A special prayer and warm thoughts to those manning the wall of freedom on this day, keeping us safe in our homes while they are thousands of miles away from home and family.
I'll be sending those wishes to one special person up in the valley and hoping she is able to enjoy some well deserved time off with her sons and parents.
Christmas comes but once a year but wouldn't it be nice if the spirit could be shared year round......
Update: so my daughter gave me a picture of baby Jack from the photo shoot she just had done last week where he is resting in her cupped hands in a frame of an amazing bleached wood and I admit I started crying right away.....she asked me what was wrong and all I could do was shake my head and say it was the most beautiful gift I've ever received.......amazing how one little baby can change one's outlook on life and the possibilities to offers
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