Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas 2017

Friday, December 29/17

So first things first, I hope every one had a great Christmas, that Santa spoiled you, and the time spent with family and friends brought you peace and tranquility.

My own was pretty good as it started out with the 9 pm Christmas Eve Mass at St. Patrick's in Fallowfield. The original plan was to do the midnight mass but both my son and I came to the conclusion that neither of us would probably last that long so we adjusted things lol

Christmas day itself was perfect as my daughter, her fiance, and my most amazing grandson Baby Jack hit my place for 8:30 am and the mayhem commenced right away. Baby Jack is at that stage where he wants to walk all the time and squeal with delight, except when he see's his uncle and than he has to be carried around by my son. The sight is something that makes anyone watching break into a huge smile. The love those two have for one another makes my heart grow 2 sizes bigger, to steal a line from the master wordsmith himself, Dr. Seuss.

Baby Jack was more interested in the ornaments on the tree and climbing the stairs than he was in his presents. Moki was more interested in Baby Jack than she was in her own present, a new stuffed toy that she can baby at first and eventually tear apart lol

My daughter got me some stuff for Mexico in the form or a new golf shirt and some books for the flight, my son got me a new Carleton University pullover that is perfect for wearing to work, and Baby Jack gave me hugs and kisses whenever I caught him heading for the stairs, thinking these would distract me from getting mad at him, little bugger seems to understand his grandpa way too well and my future son-in-law laughed each time and just told me I was in trouble.

After the kids left I tidied up before heading over to my daughters for the family dinner. This included my ex, her partner, my former mother-in-law, former sister-in-law, and my nephew.

Big hugs all around and my mother-in-law baked me my own sugar pie to take home. She always knows just how to make me smile and I'm so glad my relationship with her is a good one, hell I'm on good terms with all of my ex's family and still consider them my family.

Dinner was turkey, mashed potatoes, and veggies. Perfect meal to end a perfect day.

I ended my day with a glass of Pinot Grigio sitting on the couch at home with Moki snuggled up next to me as we watched the snow falling outside the front window, glistening in the light every now and than, and wished my mom a happy birthday and knew she was smiling down at me with the joy of the holiday season and love for her son, grandchildren, and first great grandchild.

My name is Marcus and my goal was to make the most of this holiday as the future isn't as clear as it was just a few months ago. I'm glad to say mission accomplished as it was one of the best ever.

Today's musical suggestion is one of my favourite from Trans Siberian Orchestra "Carol of the Bells"

Here is the link to a kind of cool video put up by TSO for "Carol Of The Bells"

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