Sunday, December 10, 2017

Thank You

Sunday, December 10/17

I would like to take a moment to express my thanks for all the messages I've received and encouragement sent my way.

All of the entries I post to this blog are only meant to get you the reader to pause for a moment, asking yourself if any of that particular blog resonates, and hopefully help you see something in a new light.

Along the way I get to express my feelings and experience a form of therapy, not a replacement for the real thing but rather a booster shot if you will.

The past week has been a bit hazy as my mind has wandered all over the place but a couple of things happened on Thursday that are helping me put things into perspective and make some progress.

The first came with the call for my visit to the specialist. It's happening between Christmas and the New Year so at least I've got that one off my plate. But with every good news comes the possibility of some bad news and I think that also came about with that call. Seems I'm not just seeing the specialist to discuss the ultrasound findings but actually having an exploratory procedure done at that time.

Not the most thrilling of calls but I should have some clarity of where things stand before heading down to Mexico for my daughters wedding in January. Based on the decision to do the procedure I'm going to go out on a limb and hypothesize that we have eliminated the minor infection angle and are now looking at possible polyps or cancer, yes I'm willing to use the c word here and I'm actually psyching myself up to battle the bitch head on if that's what it comes too.

The second came celebrating my grandson's 1st birthday with only the family on Thursday night. Watching him with everyone made me realize that even though life can sometimes throw us a curve ball that there is so much I can be thankful for. I've been loved in my life, been in love, have 2 amazing kids who make me smile every single day, and now a wonderful little grandson who truly is the light of my life, able to make me cry with nothing more than a smile sent my way.

There is a song that has been embraced by the Liverpool Football Club that says "You'll Never Walk Alone" and I know that come what may that I'll never be alone as family, friends, and my faith will always be there for me.

I was going to put the blog on hold until after the holiday's but given the uncertainty going on in my life at the moment figure continuing to blog would be one of the best things I can do, so having said I'll keep doing this for however long I can or the mood strikes me.

My name is Marcus and I'm still looking for someone to trade me some limes in exchange for the lemons life has given me.........what would life be like without a sense of humour, don't have a clue and not willing to find out just quite yet.

Today's musical suggestion is "Winter Song" by Ali & Theo.  Kind of sad but I love the instrumentals supporting the lyrics. Here is the YouTube link for those interested:

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