Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday's!!!!!

Sunday, December 24/17

I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of Holiday's.

Hopefully you are surrounded by family and friends, sharing the joys that this season brings, putting aside the daily grind and able to enjoy time with those close to you.

My son is over for the night and we'll be attending midnight mass at St. Patrick's as we've done each Christmas Eve he has been with me for the last several years.

My daughter, future son-in-law, and Baby Jack will be coming over bright and early to open gifts and have a hearty breakfast before heading back to her place for the same festivities with her mom and grandmother.

I used to dread this time of year for a variety of reasons as the short dark days play havoc with my emotions and the fact that tomorrow is my mom's birthday always left me feeling a bit empty inside.

That changed a few years ago and I've been able to really enjoy the season more and more each year, especially last year with the arrival of Baby Jack. The little man is now walking and tomorrow should be so much fun watching his reaction to opening presents and sharing smiles, laughs, and some teary moments.

I've had some down moments this week preparing for this Christmas as that cloud of uncertainty continues to hang over my head and will be there until Thursday at the least. I've had some issues with sleeping so when it hits I've been using those times to write some notes to my children and Baby Jack just so they know how much they are loved.

Not telling them what is going on has been the easiest decision I've had to make in a long time and also the hardest as it goes against everything I've tried to teach them about being open and sharing what is happening in our lives. How does that saying go....Do as I say, not as I do......Mea Culpa

I'm working on a year in review blog entry and hope to have it posted before the 31st as well as couple of others I had started before the proverbial crap it the fan a few weeks back.

Regardless of how things are going, I wish each of you peace and joy this holiday season and all the ones to come.

My name is Marcus and my Xmas wish list is pretty simple......positive results on Thursday and bumping into the imperfectly perfect one for's that time of year so anything is possible

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