Sunday, January 21, 2018

Bell Let's Talk January 31st

Sunday, January 21/18

So I'm just back from my week in Mexico and let me just say was Fue fantástico!!!!!

I've been working on a couple of entries about the week and might have the first one posted later today depending on how much unpacking and errands I can get done lol

Now for the basis of today's blog title............

January 31st is the annual Bell Let's Talk Day to promote awareness of mental health issues in Canada, and in my humble opinion one hell of an important day.

The goal is to get people to talk about the issues that impact each and every one of us with an open mind.

I recently read that something like 1 in 4 people suffer from a mental health issue of some kind. Those issues cover the spectrum from being a self conscious introvert who has issues dealing with public gatherings, paint me with this one, to schizophrenia, onward to forms of depression that range from the mild to so severe that the only way a person can deal with them is to self harm themselves in the hope that the pain eventually goes away.

We as a society are very judgmental about people in general and more so about those we don't consider similar to ourselves, one of the things I really dislike about how we've evolved or is it more devolved as a society, I'll let you be the judge of that for yourself as I'm sure there are some who don't see anything wrong with how we treat one another.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind that the people you see around you might be going through things that you have no clue about and are dealing with issues far greater than may be obvious so the greatest thing you can do for someone is smile, listen, and if the moment warrants it, offer a simple hug. I bet you'd be amazed at just how powerful those gestures might be for someone in need, how life altering they might prove at the moment.

My name is Marcus and I hope with all my heart I'm always aware regardless of the day of those around me and open to listening to them whenever they need me........................

Today's musical suggestion is "The Days of You" by Fallen Riveria

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