Saturday, January 6, 2018

Time For A Little Confession........and it involves Noelle Adams

Saturday, January 06/18

So I guess it's time for a little confession on my part.

I'm a romantic at heart, believe in true love, the possibility of love at first sight, that love doesn't preclude feeling lust for your partner.

That's not the confession, that is just my feelings about love.

No, the confession is that I've recently started reading romance books, in particular those by Noelle Adams.

I'm on the fourth and final book in her "Rothman Royals" series and literally just started reading the first book on Tuesday at lunch.

I subscribe to a website called BookBub that sends me recommendations on a wide variety of books that are offered on Apple iBooks and Kobo. A lot of the time there are free books that are designed to introduce the reader to a new author. This was the case with "A Princess Next Door".

For some reason that I really can't explain I downloaded it and started to read it over my lunch as a break away from work and the cold weather. Five pages in and I was hooked, couldn't wait to get home and finish it, which I did on Tuesday night.

Something about the stories just resonate within me and makes me think that despite all the stuff going on with me and around the world that the possibilities are endless if we just allow ourselves to believe........believe in them and our own capacity to overcome obstacles and feel that spark, those ever elusive butterflies that we all want to feel inside.

I've been accused of being in touch with my inner feminine side and if this is further proof of it than so be it, Mea Culpa.

So if you are looking for a momentary escape and the hope that everything isn't bleak in the world than I suggest giving these a read.....I'm going to be moving onto some of her other series while lounging on that beach in Mexico next week

My name is Marcus and I am who I am and nothing more or less.

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