Saturday, January 6, 2018

Cold Doesn't Begin to Describe It!!!!

Saturday, January 06/18

We were hit with quite the cold spell about a week ago and again the last few days.

It's almost as if someone pissed off Mother Nature and her revenge has been daily temperatures with windchill in the minus 30's.

Every morning I get up and go outside to start the car so it has a chance to warm up and it is like I'm rolling the dice to see if it will actually kick over or if the battery was drained over night.

I'm willing to grant that some of you reading this entry will laugh and think it's colder where you are, like those reading in Russia as the blog has been getting quite a few hits over there lately, but that doesn't make it any less cold on my end.

I'm not huge on the whole 3 layer winter coat thing and usually just wear a golf pullover under the winter coat shell but I've actually added the liner to it and have been wearing thick gloves and a toque, something I almost never do.

Moki the wonder puppy has been giving me the look whenever I let her outside as if to say "You better not forget about me or leave me out here one second longer than is necessary buddy"

This weekend is predicted to be pretty cold and than it breaks for a bit on Monday and gets cold all over again. I'm not worrying about it as I'm leaving Friday for my daughters wedding down in Mexico and have my week planned out some good food, drink some cold beverages, sleep, lay on the beach or near the pool, play a round or two of golf, and give a toast at the wedding dinner and do the father and bride dance.

Hopefully it's warmer where you are or you've got someone special to cuddle up with for some warmth.

My name is Marcus and though I be cold I've got a warm heart and open mind.

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