Sunday, June 3, 2018

I Was Asked What I'm Looking For..........

Saturday, May 05/18

I was asked today what it is I'm looking for when it comes to dating.

Pretty simple question to pose but not as easy to answer and remain true to myself.

The most basic answer is my best friend. I know that sounds like such a cliche but if you aren't in that relationship with your best friend than is it really "that" relationship in the end?

You should be willing, capable, and open to sharing everything with the person one you call the one, and if you can't than that relationship isn't with the one, least not the right one.

I want someone who can I totally share my life with, the past, the present, and the future.

I need to be open with her about my past and how it has shaped me into the person I am today, how I got to the here and now from the steps I've taken, to be able to discuss the people who've come and gone, adding insight to how I view the world around me. I've only been able to really share myself with two women in my life, both of whom made me a better person when we were done than when I was when I started seeing them. Actually, I've really only shared my most inner feelings with one woman in my life and it was the most natural thing I've ever done, happening without any second thoughts, leaving me feeling so alive inside, the endless possibilities arrayed before me.

My present is sort of a mess as I deal with the ongoing issues related to surgery and my unsettled feelings that I need to make some changes in my life. Changes around my living situation and more than likely my current employment arrangement.

My future remains to be seen and the present has such a huge impact on what I might be doing a month from now let alone a year.

I want butterflies. Yes, you heard me right, I'm 100% male and want to feel those damn butterflies and not just at our first date, but all the time!

I'm sure some of you are scoffing at this notion, thinking it's not possible to feel butterflies all the time, but let me ask you this, why not?  I mean if you really are with the one than I think that should be your natural state of being. Call me naive if you want too, but this is a pretty high criteria in my books.

I want someone who will accept me as I am, with all my flaws, and I have my fair share, as I will accept her as is and embrace those things that makes her uniquely her in my eyes.

I don't care if she has a university education or which deity she follows, really just desire her to have some spirituality and not be an atheist, as I don't think I'll ever be able to even try to date someone who doesn't believe in some form of higher power.

Don't care what the colour of her eyes or hair are, not fretting her height as I'm sure someone taller than me isn't going to present herself as my potential one, but I'd probably be halfway to heaven if she liked to play golf, doesn't have to be as much as I do but some rounds together would be awesome.

Being with someone in a relationship doesn't mean being with them 24/7 or joined at the hip. We all need some "me" time to recharge our internal batteries, something I acknowledge and will never have an issue seeing happen whenever she tells me she needs it, alone or with her girls for a night out. It took me some time to understand this from her point of view but back in 2015 when I was told Corinne needed one I found it kind of refreshing staying home with the pets while she had a girls night out.

I'm not sure about the whole opposites attract theory but do believe that having too much in common could be more harmful than helpful in a relationship, I mean I can do what I like to do now without adding a new person to the equation, what I really want is someone who will come in and introduce me to some new things that she likes to do, learn some new activities or interests together, and possibly share some that I like. I think that is the real foundation of a relationship that could stand the test of time.

I've been in love and really want almost more than anything to experience that feeling once again, I would love to share my very last first kiss, hell I'd like to share a lot of last first things with someone wonderful.

The key is going to be keeping my head up and not letting myself get discouraged as the process isn't something that can rushed or short circuited in the least.

Love isn't easy, no, love is far from easy, but it is well worth fighting the good fight to secure in my life.

My name is Marcus and I would love to meet my one and fall hopelessly head over heals for her. The thought of it makes me shake, shake with nerves and shake with anticipation.

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