Monday, June 11, 2018

Simply put, I'm Vanilla

Monday, June 11/18

If I had to categorize myself as a flavour of ice cream I think it would be safe to say I'm vanilla.

It covers both my pigmentation and general personality.

Now there is nothing wrong with vanilla as without it how could we really love and appreciate all the other flavours out there??

I'd love to be more like Pistachio Chocolate Mint,Moon Mist, or Cotton Candy, all of which are real flavours in case you were wondering, but I'm not and I can accept that as we are who we are.

I do try and mix things up whenever possible but in the end I am really just a nice bowl of vanilla ice cream, sure you can add some sprinkles or maybe hot fudge to up the taste so to speak, but the basic ingredient is still plain vanilla.

Used to sort of bother me that I come across this way but now I embrace it just who I am. I'm not exciting like Bordeaux Cherry or flashy like Cherry Garcia.

At the best I might be French Vanilla Bean and on a great day maybe dark cherry vanilla. Both better than just plain old vanilla.

Luckily for me I know what I am and try my best to work with what I've got.

I go great with warm pie, not that kind so get your dirty mind out of the gutter people, and mixed with some fruit can be a great refreshing treat after a warm day spent in the sun being all active.

I'm not going to be the wow factor that a lot of other ice creams bring to the table but the one thing I am going to be is consistent and there for you day after day. So if you are looking for something that explodes and makes you wide eyed and bushy tailed, well I suggest you keep walking down the dessert aisle until something flashy catches your eye. But if you want the one that will always do it's best to make you smile and not overreach itself, well than maybe a bowl of vanilla isn't so bad.

My name is Marcus and life isn't always a bowl of cherries but when it is might I suggest adding them to a bowl of vanilla ice cream and savouring the taste they provide together :-)

Today's musical suggestion is "One of The Mornings" by Moby

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