Friday, September 27, 2013

Addendum to The Quickest Hook Ever

Sept 27/13 @ 2:11 PM EST

Someone just asked me why I would willingly share the story of my quickest hook and the answer is very simple, when I set out to write this blog about my adventures in dating, or as some might call them misadventures in dating, I told myself that if they were to have any meaning to myself, and hopefully anyone who chose to read them, I needed to be as brutally honest as possible, sharing both the good and the bad, the funny as well as the sad, the inspiring as well as the slightly depressing.

So there are entries posted that to this day make me want to cry, some that make me laugh, and a few that have me sitting back and wondering what my future holds.

All of them make up the person that I am today.

Like many of you out there in cyberland, there are things I've done that make me proud and some that have me wondering how could I have been such a dumb ass, but the truth is that every single thing we do makes up who we are, so if I'm going to be honest and through this honest blog about my adventures in dating hope to stumble across the path of the one I feel it behooves me to be open, frank, and take my lumps when they are dished out, after all I am ever the eternal optimist and hope to someday find the one................

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