Sept 29/13
I was asked why there are so few blog entries written or posted on the weekend, it is almost as if I reserve my blogging activities exclusively for weekdays.
I never really thought about when the posts are actually put up online but do know that I write stuff all the time and am not limited to one particular day over another, it really comes down to when that topic hits me and I actually get a free moment to expand upon it. I do take down notes of topics now and again when they strike me and I may not be able to free style enter it online.
I'm pretty confident that few if any of my entries have been done while my son is actually with me on his custody week, well few of the older ones as I do find myself with more me time now that he has reached those wonderful teenage years and the urgent desire to be more independent of dear old dad, well of me the parental unit but not me the chauffeur or banker lol
This week is my week with him and he has a hockey practice and I'm coaching my daughters women's indoor teams first soccer game of the fall season, couple that with it being month end at work and helping the son with his homework at night, thought I already did grade 9 twice already, and there won't likely be a lot of new entries this week but since I've sort of embraced the short blog entry who knows what could show up at the spur of the moment.
For those thinking I must be a tad slow since I mentioned already doing grade 9 twice already, that was in context of doing it again when my daughter started high school and my ex and I spent a lot of time helping her.
How was your weekend?
I golfed once, ran some errands, made a nice beef stew, attended a hockey practice, dealt with an almost complete meltdown over some math homework, and am now doing laundry. Who says I lead a dull life? lol
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