December 18/13
It has been a been a pretty busy week what with work, soccer, and trying to get ready for Christmas.
So busy in fact, that while I've missed my son tonnes, not so much that I've been moping around feeling sorry for myself. Trust me that is a good think as a mopey Marcus is not a pretty Marcus lol
A couple of things caught my attention this week and while they aren't directly related to one another, they do show the huge gap that can exist between people who are worthy of our admiration and those people whose view of their importance is completely out of kilter with reality.
If you think the latter is about our good friend Kanye West you're today's grand prize winner
How can someone who sings songs for a living, prances around a stage, refers to himself as Yeezus, and pretty much feels that he is the most important person on the planet ever lose touch with reality to such an extent that they compare what they do for a living with law enforcement officers or the military. Yet that is just what Kanye had the nerve to do recently when he said that he lays his life on the line and subjects himself daily to the same dangers confronting police officers and the outstanding men and women of the military. I'm sure reaching for the microphone as he makes his way from the backstage green room where he was relaxing preshow with his crew, drinking cold beverages, eating from a buffet spread, watching a large flat screen is exactly the same as standing over-watch from the lead vehicle in a convoy making its way through the streets of Bagdad. I mean if he ignores the distinct possibility of the vehicle hitting an IED, coming under sniper or mortar attack, or even human suicide bombers than he is right. Oh wait, he really isn't as there are still the random attacks on the camps where the soldiers live, the loss of family thousands of miles away that they go months and month's without seeing, and the limited avenues for recreation that they face every single day.
So when Kanye gets bored with writing his latest rap masterpiece he can jet from outside Paris to go to a club in London or New York, should he
miss his fiancé and mother of his child he can arrange to go see them or have them come see him, when he gets bored watching his flat screen he can hop in a car and take a drive, go shopping, or even play a round of golf.
Unfortunately for the men and women in the military they don't have the option or the resources to do the same things he takes for granted, options that are won and protected by the sweat and sacrifice of others. The real hero's in today's world, not the fake wanna-be's who have to shout at the top of their lungs just how fucking incredible they are, how they are so important to our overall wellbeing.
On the one hand you have what I like to refer to as the douche bags of the world...people like Kanye West.......and on the other hand you have youngsters like Josh Zuchowksi who do things not for themselves, not to ring their own bells seeking acknowledgement of just how great they are, but rather because the actions they take make a difference in someone else's life, even if for but a moment of time.
Josh is 9 years old and lives down in Florida.
Josh likes to swim and from what I can tell, he is pretty darn good at it.
Josh has a main rival whom he has looked up to for years and used as motivation to improve his times meet over meet.
Josh's rival has been sick with a bone infection and unable to compete or even able to socialize with other kids for fear he might be contagious.
Josh took first place in a meet on December 7th and promptly sent the trophy and a get well card to Reese Branzell saying he'd rather come in second at a meet featuring both of them than win first in one without Reese.
How can a 9 year old behave with such kindness and empathy where a grown man has the audacity to compare his job with those putting their lives on the line day in and day out?
My hat is off to Josh for his kindness, to his parents for raising a well rounded young man, to Reese as he works hard to regain his form and can once more push himself and Josh in the pool.
Maybe my good friend Kanye could take a few moments from the danger of opening that plastic bottle of water to look around himself and see what real heros do every day without feeling the need for fanfare and public adulation.
Just one man's take on something he read about this past week.