Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tough time of year for many people

Dec 29/13

I know from personal experience that the holiday season coupled with dark days related to winter can be emotionally and mentally draining for some people.

For me it is the fact that my mom was born Christmas day and my kids are with me for half the day make things a tad bit rougher to handle. Well, they used to be hard to take but for some reason this season has been easier to handle. Can't quite put my hand directly on what is different this year over years past but I don't have that dark feeling hanging over my head.

I know from previous seasons how hard it was and it really impacted my ability to interact with people and I was not really all that fun to be around. My ex and kids did their best to help me deal with it and I think that was one factor that made it bearable.

As someone who has gone through these dark days I implore you to talk to someone if you are feeling down in any way, shape, or form. There is absolutely nothing wrong with seeking out help, it does not make you any less of a person or parent, in fact I think it makes you a better person, being able to recognize that things might be getting out of hand and being strong enough to do something about it is the greatest gift you can give yourself and those who love you, and believe me when I say there are far more people who care about you than you'll ever know......

What makes me think that?

Over the past few weeks I've gotten several texts and calls from friends just checking in to see how I'm doing. These are subtle attempts to let me know they care and if I need anything they are only a phone call away. A couple of them came from people who I never even realized knew about my difficulties this time of year......pretty awesome to know I have people who care that extend beyond my kids......

If you still don't feel comfortable than feel free to email me and we can chat...sometimes just having someone to listen to you helps......

I care so hopefully you will too


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