Sunday, December 29, 2013

C'mon Target, show some restraint!

December 29/13

So I had to go into work today for a bit as I need to be off next weekend as it is my dad week and my son has an out of town hockey tournament and I don't miss them for anything, heck I can count on my left hand sans my thumb the number of games I've missed over his hockey career :)

I stopped at the new Target at the Hazeldean Mall to check out monitor prices, thinking of a second one for my home system but haven't quite convinced myself yet, and what do you think I saw front and center down the main aisle?

If you said Valentines Day cards and candy you win the grand prize.

Now I get that this day is just over the horizon in February but is there anything wrong with giving people a chance to recover from Christmas before starting to inundate everyone with reminders of how we need to have the perfect card and gift for our significant other else we come across as a loser?  I mean for those who have a significant other that is.

Less than 5 days have passed since we celebrated the birth of the leading religious icon for western civilizations and already we must now face this new threat to our sanity.

I don't remember seeing these at Walmart when I was there yesterday so maybe I need to rethink shopping at Target going forward.

I understand the need to get the thought out there, but I also appreciate the change to catch my breathe before transitioning from a real holiday to one that was made up that really does nothing more than keep card and candy companies making money.

What is your take on how quickly merchants seem to move from one event to another?


1 comment:

  1. I heard the Valentine display was already up at Costco too, so I decided I'd shop elsewhere for a bit. I am tired of retailers pushing their agenda on us.
