Monday, December 23, 2013

Awesome Sunday

December 22/13

Sunday really turned out to be a great day.

Saturday night was my company Christmas party and I had a very nice time, would only have been better had I brought along a date but maybe next year :)

Saturday night transitioned into Sunday with more snow and delayed my son's flight from Mexico to Montreal and subsequent trip home until almost 2am. I texted with his mom telling her there was no rush on getting him to my place as the roads were bad, they were all tired and I had some errands to run.

I was able to get the last of my shopping done at Bayshore - amazing how the combination of getting there just as the doors opened at 10am and the poor roads due to all the snow can make life easier sometimes -  and had a lot of them wrapped by the time he made it to my place around 3pm.

We spent about an hour getting caught up and than tackled getting the Christmas tree setup and decorated. Now this usually includes the daughter and more often than not means she takes the lead and we hand her things as directed, but yesterday was different as she was getting settled back into her new place, picked up her puppy from the friend who had been watching him, and spent time with the new boyfriend. So my son and I did the tree on our own and I have to say we talked about which decorations to include and worked pretty well as a team making our vision come to life.

Once we were done I cleaned up the mess, there is always a mess when the two of us do something together lol, and grabbed some food for us.  We spent the rest of the night pretty much goofing around and trying our best to make the other fall off the couch as we watched the new Star Trek.

I love doing special things with my kids like taking a holiday or coaching them in soccer but have to say that some of the best memories come from the simplest of activities like watching a movie or just talking about anything and everything going on in our lives.

Should be a good week and looking forward to some big smiles come Wednesday morning :)

I'd like to take this moment to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, hope that 2014 brings you health, happiness, and for those single like myself, maybe the opportunity to cross paths with the one........................


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