Monday, October 5, 2015

Blogger Update Oct 5th

Monday, October 5th.

I've got a couple of posts in the final editing stage and hope to have them up in the next day or so.

Sometimes the process is really easy and the words just flow, allowing me to post almost immediately and other times the topic is there but the words don't seem to really fit the thought or message and I have to sort of massage them into place. The later seems to be occurring more often than I am used to or like.

I spent the weekend up the valley visiting with C and had a major moment hit me on the drive up Friday - think shovel to the forehead kind of moment that left me the most rattled I've ever been in my life and with some serious questions about myself.  I'm trying to put this into words so that any reader will understand and yet not judge me too harshly....I am human after all


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