October 30/15
Happy Halloween to everyone. Yes, it's a day early but I'm sure more than one of you either dressed up for school or work today or are going to a party tonight :)
Me? I'm home tonight recovering from two days of taking care of my son after her had all his wisdom teeth out yesterday. He did super good but now on day 2 is having some swelling issues along with continuing to fight a wicked cough.
At the moment he's down in the man cave with his girlfriend watching something on Netflix and enjoying the Wendy's frosty she brought him - young love :)
Something about her being over and trying to take care of him got me to thinking about milestones and/or activities that can either make or break a relationship.
Lets face it, a guy being sick or post operative and acting like a total baby is enough to test the patience of any woman let alone a sixteen year old teenager.
So as I thought about them and how they are doing it made me kind of think about things that can make or break a new relationship and here are my top three so far:
1. Take a holiday together. I think this is a huge test as it is most likely the first time you've spent an extended period of time together and lets be honest, if it gets awkward you can't just grab your keys and head back to your place now can you. No, you've got to share some close quarters, talk about the things you'd like to do while on holiday, and that means more than just about sex, though that is always a good topic to discuss. Don't even get me started about the whole bathroom aspect to being on holiday together lol
2. Undertake a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project. This can be a home improvement or something as simple as assembling furniture. I'm almost convinced that the furniture assembly is the most tricky as most men won't read the instructions and there are always pieces left over....literally
3. Attend a large family gathering. This isn't the same as meeting the parents or kids for the first time in my mind. It is actually worse as there are brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, and nephews and nieces involved with his, and all are checking you out in one way or another to make sure you make the cut.
Over the course of the last year, and it has been almost a year since I started dating C, I'm happy to say that I've done all three of these with C.
The closest we came to a glitch was the airport in Montego Bay down Jamaica way when someone who shall remain nameless, C, used her big boss voice on me to get me moving a tad bit faster upon debarking from the plane so as to get us through customs before the crowds and associated time delays developed.
September saw us assemble a combination electric fireplace/media centre from Canadian Tire. Think I shocked her by actually reading all the instructions before we started the project and earned some boyfriend points in the progress, since lost this week by acting like an idiot when she didn't text me on Monday in a time appropriate manner but that's a blog entry for another day.
October saw me driving down with my son to visit C at her parents place for Thanksgiving. One attended by an additional 12 members of her family. Things went off without a hitch and my son didn't hold back at dinner which made him very popular with C's mom :)
We actually followed up the Saturday Thanksgiving dinner at her parents place with one at mine on Monday for my two kids and their partners. It was my first time making a turkey and with a lot of help from C it turned out really well. So much so that I won't hesitate to do another one should the mood strike.
All in all, we've hit our stride on these and now I'm just wondering what other milestones we could face moving forward. Living together or buying a car are probably big ones that could happen down the road.
Relocation is always on the list as C could see a job transfer in 2017 and it could be outside of Canada. She mentioned Washington DC and for a moment there I was lost as to how to respond but after a bit of time I could see that as something really fun to experience with her should it happen.
So what milestones do you think are important for a couple to experience and overcome if they're to have a successful relationship?
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