Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Struggle

October 27/15

I've been really lax about updating the blog and the reason is I am struggling with some mixed emotions that came up during my drive up the valley a few weeks ago.

I think a lot when there is nothing going on around me that requires me to concentrate, probably why I love golf so much, it allows me to just let my mind wander and explore this and that.

The other side of that benefit is that I think a lot......and sometimes my mind reminds me of things that are best left in the closet, under the bed, or stored away in the overhead compartment.

It is the last that has been causing me the problem for the last month.

The thought that came up during the drive really hit home and reminded me how fragile life is and how close to the edge we all are at some point in time, or times as it varies from person to person.

Two weekends ago C was over and we were doing something, the actual thing escapes me at the moment, when she had to use her cell phone to look something up on Google and it came up that she'd been checking out the blog and commented on how long it had been since my last post.

I said I had a topic I was working on but that it was a difficult one for me and I was wrestling with how best to write it out, she mentioned I didn't have to write the hard one's but could go easy now and again. I laughed and said if it was only that easy to do for me but I'm more wired for the hard stuff than the fluffy stuff........

So all this to say I've been slowly working on the post that started with a  Friday drive up the valley back in September and will be putting it online over the next few days.

It scares me to post as it leaves me feeling vulnerable but I've always said to myself that the day I avoid a post to feel better about myself is the day I need to cease the blog.........and I don't see that happening any time soon so no worries


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