Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Changes coming???

October 28/15

There are things going on in my life that I don't appear to have control over and it has me feeling like the conductor of a train that is going off the rails.....I can see it happening but can't seem to do a damn thing about it..........

The funny thing is that just when things seem to be going well for me something just has to go sideways......

Happened back in April/May and now feels like it is happening again.

The hardest part is the whole deja vu-ness of it all........

One thing I know for certain is that if things transpire like before there won't be any going down this road ever the saying goes....fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me

I don't like being shamed, but then I doubt anyone really does, now do they?


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