Thursday, June 15, 2017

A Pain Deeply Felt

Thursday, June 15/17

Well I just did something I vowed I wouldn't and made the call to see when the ceremony was for C's current position and found out its Monday.

I asked if I sent a card would she still get it and was told they would make sure to forward it to her down in Washington D.C. at her new position.

Now I sit here at my desk at work feeling totally lost and with an empty feeling deep inside me.

Guessing that being ever the romantic optimist about things really isn't meant for me and this is one of those times I should have completely ignored Gary as following his goading has taken me from being blissfully unaware to in the know and hurting once again.

None of which is anyone's fault but my own.

I wish C nothing but happiness and hope she finds her one.


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