Wednesday, June 28/17
So the two most important males in my life will have both had major milestones this week and I couldn't be happier for them if I tried.
Sunday was baby Jack's baptism and he was so adorable. His mom had him dressed up in a cute outfit that included suspenders and a bow tie. Now I admit that I'm probably a tad bit biased but my grandson totally rocks a bow tie, doesn't hurt that he already knows how to flash a smirky smile, I'm thinking there are many hearts to be broken by that lad before not very long.
One cool fact that my son is actually is nephew's Godfather. Don't think I've ever seen my son smile so much as when he was holding his nephew, there is a real bond there and it's only going to get stronger as baby Jack grows and realizes his uncle will always be there for him and have his back no matter what.
I took lots of pictures and have been sharing them with friends and family but will continue to practice my policy of not posting information or images of my family in order to let them remain private, sorry but there won't be any changes in my approach to that aspect of my life.
Now the second event will occur tomorrow when my son graduates high school and moves onto the next phase of his life - university!!!
As good as I like to think I am with words I can honestly say that there is no way I can even begin to describe the pride and pleasure I feel right now just writing about it let alone the emotions that will course through me tomorrow as I sit there and watch him walk across the stage to receive his hard earned diploma.
I'm booked off tomorrow and as I was leaving work today everyone was wishing me well and telling me to pass on congratulations to my son, as well as to enjoy the moment, and my boss told me not to cry too much, making me laugh and say no promises as I know there will be a few tears as my youngest makes the walk.
This is the second time I'll be sitting in the audience watching one of my kids and it won't happen again for another eighteen years until my grandson makes the same walk himself, and walk it he will if the comments I've heard from my daughter and her fiance.
When I was in my thirties I used to wonder what being middle aged offered me and now I know all too well, more joy than I ever imagined as I get to watch my kids and grandson reach milestones and pass through the various phases of life.
As they do it offers me the chance to relive some of those same moments myself. First year university was exciting and scary at the same time, something I'll be able to relate to with my son, Raising a child as my daughter is now doing brings back some rich memories, times I was almost pissing myself with doubt if I could even get through a day alone with my daughter and than my son when he came along without something happening that I couldn't handle.
Life brings us many challenges but I honestly don't think any are presented that we can't really meet head on if we just put our minds to it and try our hardest.
My name is Marcus and I cried a little on Sunday when my grandson was baptized and I'm going to do so again tomorrow when my son raises his diploma above his head and makes eye contact with his mother and I in the audience.
I didn't really think of a musical suggestion for today's blog as I'm not sure one song could cover off both of these events but than it dawned on me the song just has to reflect my mood and it is a pretty damn good one right now so lets go with Hard Times by Paramore.....has a great beat and just makes me want to dance around whenever I hear it :)
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